Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1165

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EISTORY OF GOODIIl'K COUNTY 1013 Minneola brass band, which Las a membership of seventeen. Of this band he was leader two years. In polities Mr. Dorn is a Democrat, and for many years served as roadmaster. In the Dorn family were ten children: Paul lives in Minneola town- ship; Louis lives iii Otter Tail county: Clara lives in Zumbrota; Julius is at home; Frank S. lives in Rochester; Richard lives at home; Bertha lives in Brookfield; Tracey lives in Goodhue, and Matilda and Elenor are both at home. Edward Dack was'born in Ontario, Canada, August 7, 1845, son of Edward and Letitia (Robinson) Dack. He received his education in Canada and came to the United States in the early sixti-s with his parents and located in Stanton township, Good- hue county, Minnesota, where they purchased 195 acres of land, which he and his father broke and improved, and remained with his father until the latter 's death, assuming charge of the farm, which he has improved, and planted trees, and in every way beautifying the place. He has carried on general farming, and has almost all his land under cultivation. In 1871 he was mar- ried to Rebecca Variem, daughter of William and Sarah (Kings- ton) Variem, natives of New York, who Avere old settlers of the county. Both parents are dead. Mr. and Mrs. Dack have been blessed with thirteen children, of whom seven are living: Me- linda J., Lizzie. Pearl, Edna. Genevieve. Abigail and William. Mr. Dack is Republican in his politics, and has served on the school board. Herman Dahl, of Zumbrota township, was born in Minneola township, October 12, 1870, son of S. T. and Martha T. Dahl, both natives of Norway. In 1856 they emigrated to America, locating in Minneola; three years later, in 1859, they home- steacled eighty acres of wild land, which they broke and culti- vated, making many improvements. Later he added eighty acres to the homestead farm, seven of these adjoining in 1894. He purchased a farm of 240 acres in Zumbrota township, and fol- lowed general farming, where the father still lives, the mother having passed away June 5, 1904. Herman acquired his educa- tion in the schools of Minneola and after finishing his studies he assisted his father on the farm, until he was twenty-six years of age. In 1896 he w T ent with his father to the Zumbrota farm of 240 acres, which he has continued to improve, having it all under cultivation, and rebuilt the home. January 1, 1904, he was married to Kate Seibrecht, daughter of Henry and Catherine Augustine) Seibrecht, who were farmers of Pine Island. Her mother died July 17, 1907, and her father still lives on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Dahl have one child. Sylvester. Mr. Dahl is inde- pendent in his political views. He is supervisor of Zumbrota, and also road overseer. He is a member of the Farmers' Ele-