Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1179

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I11STOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 1023 1.856 and was commissioned by Judges II. and E. T. Wilder to sell land wan-ants, and loan money to new settlers, who took advan- tage of the pre-emption law. In this capacity he continued until L857, when the land office was removed to Henderson, .Minn., Mr. Pratt going with the office and following the same business until the Indian outbreak of 1862, at which time he was ap- pointed a member of the board of state auditors, to adjust claims made by the whites for properly impressed by the state to enable them to fight the Indians. Locating again in Red Wing in 1863, he entered the office of Judge Wilder, at the same time working in the bank of Pascal Smith as clerk. In 1865, when the banking business of Mr. Smith was disposed of to the First National Bank, Mr. Pratt became connected with the Latter institution, serving as bookkeeper until 1868. In 1868 with J. C. Pierce and T. K. Simmons, he organized the bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co.; Josia ('. Pierce was the first president, and Mr. Pratt the cashier. Upon the death of Mr. Pierce. Mr. Pratt succeeded him as presi- dent, occupying that position until January, 1908, when he re- signed and retired. In addition to his banking interests, Mr. Pratt opened what he called "The Old Book Store," on Bush street, which he later sold to Arthur D. Danielson, the present proprietor. A Democrat in politics, Mr. Pratt has always been interested in public affairs, and for many years he served as treasurer of the city. He is a member of the Episcopal church and belongs to the Elks. The subject of this sketch was married at Painsville, Ohio, November 8, 1860, to Agnes V. Kussell, of that place. Four children have blessed the union. Tracy AY. is general manager of the large cotton and oil works at Hunts- ville, Ala. Henrietta S. is the wife of Ralph Taber, a literary man of some note. Russell A. is manager of a bottling establish- ment at Sheffield, Ala., and Arthur P. is in charge of the Coca- Cola Bottling Company in New York City. Mrs. Pratt died in Red Wing in 1897. Otto Remmler, whose efficient service as alderman from the first ward in Red Wing has done much to advance the interests of the city in the past twelve years, was born in St. Louis, Mo., February 10, 1869, son of Adolph and Helena Remmler. He at- tended the Catholic parochial school and the public schools of Red Wing, after which he entered St. John's College at College- ville, Minn. Subsequently he attended the Maryland Military and Naval Academy at Oxford, Md., and completed his schooling with a commercial course. After leaving school he was em- ployed by August Beck & Co., the B. & T. Tobacco Company and the Twin City Rapid Transit Company. He is now manager of Remmler 's Brewery, in which capacity he has demonstrated his business ability. Mr. Remmler is known for his good fellow-