Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1192

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1034 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY his brother, Fred A., opened a hardware and farming implement ablishment on Bush street, which was sold to Augustine >.v "Wilson in 1907. 3Ir. Scherf moved his family to Red Wing in 1904. In June, 1905, he launched in the jewelry business on Third street, where he has ;i large business. He also owns 200 acres of land in Hay Creek township adjoining his lather's farm. Mr. Scherf was one of the many called upon to mourn after tin- Lake Pepin disaster, July 13, 1890. His brother Martin (born in 1867). and his aunt, .Mary Scherf, together with the tatter's daughter, losl their lives in that catastrophe. A sister. .Matilda ('.. horn December 2. 1864, -lied in 1897. While at college, Mr. Scherf was captain of one of the University Cadel Corps, and a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, lie belongs to the Knights of Pythias, the United Workmen, the Royal Arcanum, the Elks, Red Men. and the Red Win<_: Commercial Club. He is an independent voter, for two years served as justice of the peace in Hay Creek, ami is at presenl connected with the Red Wing Telephone Company. Tie- family religion is thai of the Metho- ilisi ,1ml English Lutheran churches The subjed of this sketch was married in Hay Creek township May 6, 1897, to Emily Saupe, horn September <i. L872, daughter of Frederick Saupe, a native of Germany, ami an early settler of Hay Creek. To Mr. and Mrs Scherf have been horn four children: Horace p.. horn March li. L898; Eugene P.. horn April 18, 1900; Jerome P.. horn May 2, 1903, and Ruth I)., born April :i7. 1905. The children arc all a1 home. Hon. John W. Peterson, one of the county's distinguished citizens, has been active in political, church, military ami agricul- tural circles. He was horn March 30, 1838, in Gardsby, Sweden. the second child of his parents, who were natives of Smoland, Sweden. The father broughl his family to America in l>."»fi. mak ing Ins first settlement in Chisago county, this state, two miles from Chisago City. There he established his home and raised his family on a farm of eighty acres, which he purchased soon after his arrival. In his family wen- five children. John W. at- tended the schools of his native land, and worked on the farm with his father, coming to America with the family at the age of eighteen years. In August, L862, he enlisted in Company I. Sixth. Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, subsequently was promoted to corporal and still later to sergeant, lie was sent from Ft. Snelling against the Sioux Indians, and was one of that heroic hand which attacked 1,500 Indians at Birch Cooley. rescuing 150 brave men who for days had been holding out against that howl- ing mass of savages. Sergeant Peterson was with the soldiers who followed the Indians to Yellow Medicine county, -where General Sibley released 170 white women and children. The pur-