Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1196

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10o8 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY school at Herman, Minn. Christopher is employed in Red AVing by the Wells Fargo Company. Henry is a clerk in the store of Sylvander Bros., Red AVing. Orrin I. Hall, M. D., was for a period of thirty-four years one of the leading physicians of the southern part of Goodhue jeounty. Few men who have come to the county to make their homes here have been better beloved than he, and his death was mourned alike by old and young, high and low, rich and poor, so univer- sally felt; was the respeel and esteem in which he had been held. Orrin I. Hall was born in Wales. New York, September 11, 184:!. and received his earlier education in the schools of his neighbor- hood. Later he entered the Buffalo Medical College, which is now a .part of the University of Buffalo. He graduated from that institution in February of 1873, and was married shortly afterward, April 13 of the same year, at Buffalo, to Anna J. Holden, who si ill survives, having been a mosl able and sympa- thetic helpmeet of her husband in all his varied undertakings. Later in the same month they left Buffalo and came to Goodhue county, he taking up the practice of medicine in Pine Island. In duly, L874, they moved to Zumbrota, which has since been the family home. Dr. Hall died June 25, L908. At the time of his death il was written: "Dr. I la 11 has always been an energet ic and active man. both mentally and physically, giving liberally of his lime, labor and sympathy in the homes of illness and distress. He was an enterprising man, interested in the upbuilding and advancement of the community and the betterment of humanity. lie never craved for public office, bu1 nevertheless was several time-; elected ;• member of the Local school board and was presi- dent of that body at the lime of his death." Dr. Hall had three children: Sarah P., born duly 7. 1877. is now principal of the high school at Hutchinson, Minn. Alice D., born March 11, 1883, was married August 11, 1909, to d. AY. Spencer, and they now make their home in Chicago. Orrin L, Jr., was born .May 11, isSo. was graduated from Minnesota State University in 1906, and is now employed in St. Paul. Ira and Phoebe (Taber) Hall, parents of Dr. Hall, were natives of New York state, where they spent their lives in farming, the father passing away in 1885 and the mother in 1889. James and Christina (Brew) Holden, par- ents of Mrs. -Hall, were natives of England, where their daughter was born February 5. 1846. There the father died in 1847. Mother and daughter came to America together and located in Buffalo, N. Y., the mother dying in 1883. Ulysses Tanner, early pioneer and respected citizen of Can- non Falls township, is a native of the Empire state, born at Madi- son, Madison county. New York, December 28, 183.2, son of Ralph and Laura A. (Pierson) Tanner, substantial residents of that