Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1200

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1040 HISTORY "OF GOODHUE COUNTY Mr. Robinson bought and later pre-empted. They raised a family of six children: Thomas F., now of West Concord. .Minn.; Sarah A., died in 1882. Reuben J. lives in Pine Island. Caroline J., of Fairfield, Wash. ; Wendell P., of "West Concord, and Wilber F., who lives at home. Mr. Robinson's health failed soon after coming to this country and he became a great reader. Among his favorite works were Shakespeare and Robert Burns, from which he often quoted. He was a man of whom it could be truly said, "His word was as good as his bond." Mr. and Mrs. Robin- son both died in Roscoe in 1896, the former March 30 and the latter August 4. Peter A. H. Kempe is another one of Red Wing's progressiva business men. Well educated, far-seeing and genial, he has kept his hand upon the pulse of the city's commercial activities for many years. Horn April 3, 1856, in Westergotland, Sweden, he had excellent home advantages, being the son of Aaron and Hed- wig (Lunden Kempe, the former of whom was a Swedish Lu- theran clergyman of devoul character and greal Learning. The father died in 1885, the mother having preceded him to his grave in July. ls(i(j. Peter received SOI if his tuition at home, at- tended the public schools and graduated from the college of Skara in 1 S74. after which be was engaged for one year as a tutor. Desiring to see something of the world, he went to Ham- burg, Germany, where he acted as clerk in a ship-broker's office. In L878 he came to America, landing at Red Wing in September of that year. His career in this country began with a clerkship in the grocery store of John Kempe & Co., where he was em- ployed until 1883, when he embarked in a grocery business of his own. Prosperity crowned his efforts in this establishment. and in 1894, he became vice president of the wholesale grocery firm of Friedrich & Kempe Company, Inc., a position which he still occupies. Mr. Kempe votes independently, and being a great reader, thoughtfully considers the issues of each campaign before casting his ballot. Mr. Kempe was married in Belvidere township, this county. June 22, 1882, to Mary II. C. Dablow, daughter of George and Augusta (Grossc) Dablow. natives of Germany, who settled* in Goodhue county in the early days. The father is still living. To Mr. and. Mrs. Kempe has been born one son, Walter, born June 13, 1892, now a pupil in the Red Wing high school. The family faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal church. Peter 0. Finstuen, of Roscoe township, was born in Minneola township, August 14, 1868, son of Ole P. and Annie (Joranlid) Finstuen, natives of Norway, who came to this country in 1868 and located at Red Wing, where the father worked at his trade of tailor, remaining until 1874, when he purchased 80 acres of