Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1206

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1046 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY their friends, both near and far, gathered to wish them many more happy years together in the afternoon of life. To Mr. and Mrs. McKinley have been born three children: Mary, the eldest, attends Hamline University and will graduate in 1910; Fred and John, the two younger children, live at home, and assist their father. The family conducts general farming on the place, about three miles out of Cannon Falls village. Some of their eighty- six acres is wild land and pasture, but sixty-live acres are under the plow, giving an excellent opportunity for general mixed farming. They also do some dairying and sell considerable but- ter. As a father. Mr. McKinley has naturally been interested in education, and has served as school trustee. He votes the Republican ticket, and affiliates with the G. A. R. post. Mr. Mc- Kinley lias reached the honorable age of sixty-two years, having been born November 1, 1847. His parents, John and Mary (Dunn) McKinley. came from Scotland and located first in Maryland, where the father worked in a cotton factory. He came to Goodhue county in 1863 and remained until January. 1864. when he returned to Maryland. In 1867 he took up bis permanenl home in Stanton township and here ended his days. His wife, mother of Alex, died many years before. Oscar F. Peters, seven times member of the village council of Cannon Falls, has assisted greatly in mantaining the financial and business integrity <A' the village. He is a native born son. having first seen the lighl of day in this township. November 18, 1861. son of one of the earlies! settlers. After completing the usual branches in the district schools, he came to the village and worked as a clerk in a hardware store, and then, in company with Peter Prink, purchased the business, this partnership con- tinuing from 1880 to 1891. when Mr. Peters purchased Mr. Prink 's interest and became sole owner and proprietor. Since then the business has grown greatly in volume and magnitude, the straightforward methods employed in the establishment mak- ing it a favorite trading place. A few years ago Mr. Peters erected a .$12,000 two-story brick block on the corner of Fourth and Neill streets, assisting in giving to the village its modern appearance. In addition to owning this block, and the stock in the store, Mr. Peters is interested in the Cannon Falls Canning Company, and the Cannon Falls Farmers' elevator. He was mar- ried September 10. 1893. to Ella Brookner. daughter of Charles Brookner. a native of Rochester. The Peters home has been blessed with five children : Leigh B., Georgia H.. June. Leona and Bernice. The subject of this sketch is a staunch Republican, a communicant of the Episcopal church and a member of the Masonic order and the United Workmen. John and Christine (Johnson) Peters, parents of Oscar F.. were born in Sweden,