Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1228

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1062 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Keel Wing. Here they purchased the old Minnesota House from John Friedrieh, and remodeled the hotel into a brewery. After Mr. Heising's death, December 12. 1874. at the age of fifty-four years, his widow conducted the place for several yearSj showing shrewd business ability. January 15, 1877, she was married to A. Remmler. Otto Remmler, son of A. Remmler, and now man- ager of the brewery, was born February L0, 1869, and on May 21. 1891, married Rosie Bremer, born May 27, 1873, by whom he has one daughter. Elsie, born November 2'. 1892-. Benjamin Briggs Herbert was horn May 3, 1843, on a farm near Cuba. Fulton county, 111. With his parents, he moved to Henry county, Jowa. and From there, in 1856, to Minnesota. He was educated at Hamline University, completing the classical course in 1 s n;.. While attending school, he still lived upon a farm two and one-half miles Pr Red Wing, and walked that distance every morning and night and never missed a class. At the age of sixteen years, he joined the M. E. Church a1 Red Wing. For a year after graduation he was principal of the Rochester Sem- inary (M. B.) ;it Rochester, Minn.: then he entered the law de- partment of Michigan University. He was admitted to the bar in 1868 at Kc< Wing, and practiced law there For five years. In 1S71 Mr. Herbert was married al Red Wing to Mary E. Sweney of that city. She was enrolled as a studenl in Hamline University on the first day of the opening of that institution at Red "Wing. In 1873 he organized the first Red WingJFlour Mills and be- came the first secretary; in the fall of the same year he entered the newspaper business. lie organized the Red Wine- Printing Company in 1877, and was president of the company until 1890, and editor of the papers published thereby until 1888. For five years he remained secretary of the Red Wing Building and Loan Association, which he organized in 1877. With the clay in a horse pail he solicited $25,000 with $10,000 cash paid in in ten days to start the Red Wing Pottery. In addition to the work in connection with the Minnesota Edi- torial Association. Mr. Herbert conceived the idea of a National Editorial Association, and in the winter of 1885. effected such an organization at New Orleans, where he was chosen as its first president. In addition to his editorial work, Mr. Herbert was always greatly interested in educational affairs. He served for many years as a member of the Board of Education at Red "Wing, and was a member of the first Board of Trustees of the State Public School of Minnesota, at Owatonna. In his new home at Evanston he became president of the Board of Education, and, with his associates, carried to completion a new and one of the finest school