Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1231

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY L063 buildings in the city. For many years he has served as a mem- ber of tlif Board of Directors of the Lincoln Memorial University at ( nmberland (Jap, TVnn. Mr. Herberi was one of the organizers of the Red Wing Mills, Red Wing Building Association, Red Wing Stoneware Company, Rod Wing Furniture Company and the Red Wing Printing- Com- pany. Mr. Herbert resides in Ravenswood, Chicago, where he is actively engaged in the publishing business. Tarns Bixby, while no1 at the present time an actual resident of this county, nevertheless retains his interests here and is de- cidedly a Red Wing man. He was born December 12, 1856. at Staunton, Va., son of Bradford W. and Susan J. Bixby, who, being in moderate circumstances, were able to supply their son with none of those advantages which money can give. The family settled in Stillwater in 1S.~)7. coming to Red Wing in the fall of 1862. Here Tarns spent his boyhood and early manhood, receiving his early education in the parish schools which he attended until reaching the age of thirteen years. Beyond that his educational advantages have been such as an active mind can derive through reading, experience and observation. Possessed of a remarkable degree of energy and enterprise, he was not slow to employ his talents in wbatever offered a field for his abilities, whether in the field of intellectual, moral or industrial endeavor, and more par- ticularly the first two. The result in a business and official way has been that he has been engaged as news agent, hotel keeper, baker, editor and publisher and in high state and governmental positions, while in those lines that are purely in the realm of altruism he has taken ho less an active part, his Y. M. C. A. en- deavors being well known. He was still scarcely more than a youth when he made his first venture into newspaper work, and it is humorously told that at one time when he edited the "Argus" for several weeks in the absence of the real editor, he conducted it in so up-to-date a manner that the editor upon his return found two live libel suits pending against the paper. Mr. Bixby established the Red AVing "Sun" January 17, 1884, and conducted that paper until its consolidation with the "Advance" and the "Republican" since when he has been connected with the "Republican," although for many years past his duties have been of an official rather than of an active capacity. Since early youth he has taken an active interest in polities, and his public career was started as chairman of the Republican county committee of Goodhue county. His excellent work in that capacity attracted the attention of Republicans in other parts of the state and when the Republican League of Minnesota was organized he was made its secretary. Subsequently he filled the office of secretary to the Republican State Central Committee, from which position he was