Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1235

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INDEX Anecdotes and Adventures, r> v Associations and <'lwl>s, 59] Augustana Synod, 417 Hanks and Banking, 597 Baptist Church of Zumbrota. 456 Beginning of the County, 97 Belle (reek Township, 144 Belvidere Township, 14ti Burnside Township, 150 Burning of the Galena, 491 Business and Professional, 600 Calamities, 490 Cannon River Church, 418 Cannon Falls Township, 167 Cannon Falls, 159 I entral Point, 157 Cherry Grove Township, 155 Christian Science, 457 Church of the Redeemer, Cannon Falls, 454 ColvilPs Charge. 519 Congregational Churches, 440 County Officers and Population, 47s Cyclone at A 7 asa, 490 Dale Congregation, 406 Dennison Village, 231 Early Days, 33 Eidsvold Norwegian Methodist Church of Leon, 416 English Lutheran, 4_. Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church of Red Wing, 409 Evidence of Mounds, 18 Featherstone Township, 169 Ferries. 588 Fi/st English Evangelical Lutheran Church. 420 First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zumbrota, 421 First Baptist Church of Red Wing, 455 Florence Township. 172 Forts at Frontenac, 62 Free Church, 414 F'rontenac A^illage, 173 Geologic Ages, 1 1 German Industries, 376 Germans, The, 365 German Churches, 425 German Lutheran St. John's Church of Minneola, 382 German Lutheran Christ Church of Zumbrota, 382 German Lutheran St. Peter's Church of Belvidere, 382 1067 German Methodist Episcopal Church of Red Wing, 380 German Lutheran St. John 's church of Red Wing, 380 Go! 's ( longregation, 408 Goodhue < lounty < ihurches, 4ii4 G [hue Village, 181 G lime Township, 179 Grace < Ihurch of Pine Island. 452 Grace Church, (iennan Lutheran, of Goodhue, 382 Hamilton University, 279 Hauge's Synod, 412 Hauge's Evangelical Lutheran Con- gregal ion of Kenyon, 414 llav ( reek '!'. . oship, 189 I [egre < longregation, 416 He.tV < longregation, 408 Holden Township, 185 Hospitals and Charities; 612 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of Aspelund, 413 Immanuel 's Church, German Lutheran, Hay (reek, 383 Indian Treaties, 74 Indian Troubles, 89 Kenyon Congregation, 408 Kenyon Township, 199 Kenyon Village, 200 Land Office Records, 384 Lands and Minneola Congregations, 405 Leon Township, 191 Little Cannon Congregation, 411 Methodist Episcopal Churches, 437 Methodist Episcopal Church of Can- non Falls, 450 Methodist Episcopal Church of Zum- brota, 455 Methodist Episcopal Church of Pine Island, 450 Military History, 507 Minneola Township, 196 Minnesota State Training School, 290 Moland Congregation, .408 Modern Red Wing, 645 Natural Phenomena, 1 Norwegian Synod, 409 Norwegian Methodist, 416 Old Settlers ' Association, 592 Orphans' Home, 287 Physician, The, 315 Pine Island Village, 203 Pine Island Township, 206 Police Officers Killed. 502