Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/202

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150 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY of $3,500 by private subscription, and a larger part of the adult male population enlisted. The following list of those who enlisted from this town during the war is larger than the official list, owing to the fact that some of them, though living in Belvidere, enlisted from other places. The list: Hubert Eggleston. AVilliam S. Kinney, John Arden, James Arden, Michael Corcoran, T. Eriek- son, John E. Olin, James X. Wood, Peter J. Lotty, F. Snidert, R. J. Daniels, Bent E. Olin. Benjamin Chase, B. R. Prince, "Walter Brown, William Parsons, John Alley, Cyrus Klingenschmidt, Ole Syverson, Timothy 'Regan, Timothy Houson, John AVayze, W. S. Williams, Svenom Hendrickson, A. C. Amundson, John Amundson, John C. Johnson. Jacob Wohlers, Peter J. Hilden. John Bomback, Fred Bomback, Joachim Hoist. Jacob Hoist, Claus Hoist, William Buckholst. N. B. Gaylord, George Gaylord, John Arden, Thomas Booth, Peter Swetchser, AVilliam Suchhaa,, Fred- erick Luchan. James T. Bowker, AVilliam Berley, Ole Nelson, John Nelson. AVatson Devore. Frank Lane, Peter AVagoner, Nicolaus Lippert, R. Kolby, Andrew Baker, Ammond Larson and Samuel Church. Some of these died in the army, and others returned, to become prominent citizens of the township. At one time there was a postoffice at Thoten. in this township. BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Burnside lies along the Mississippi river, with Red Wing on the east. Featherstone on the south and AVeleh on the west. It has undergone several changes of area since its organization; all of its territory in range 16 having been set off as Grant 'later Welch in L864. During the same year it was increased by the addition of sections 13 and 14. in township 113. range 15, pre- viously a part of Red Wine'. The surface is much broken by hill and valley, and there is a wide belt of bottomland and terraced flats along the Cannon river and the Mississippi, some of which is timbered. One of the most beautiful landscapes in the county is visable from the high point in sections 16. 17 and 18. The tim- bered region in sections 7, 8, 17 and 18 is one uniform flat sur- face of loam-covered drift. Burnside includes a large portion of an island, known as Prairie Island, on its "northern border. The soil of the township, notwithstanding the irregular surface, is for the most part", rich, deep and fertile. Cannon river Aoavs from west to east, and Spring creek through the southeastern part, both emptying into the Mississippi. Numerous spring's of clear water gush forth from the base of the bluffs, affording abundant water for stock and dairy purposes. In the early days the town was known as Spring Creek, but Union was the name given by the committee which, in 1858, had