Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/209

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 157 Henry Nesson, Henry O'Kane, Hiram E. Perkins, William Perkins, Herman A. Perkins, Leander Root, Captain A. N. See, Daniel C. Smith. Clymen Sherwood, Terence Thompson, Terence Thompson 2nd, Lyman T. Ward, William F. Ward, John Wood- bury. B. C. Wait, James Haggard, James Holloran, Hiram Leach, Washington Roster. Frederick Robohm, G. H. Mayheigh, Benton Merse, James Scurry, Isaac Wilmer, Martin AVhalton, Henry Kuhns, Christ Phillips, Peter L. Slagle, Charles D. Ward, Her- bert Drake, John Lloyd, Charles Lloyd, Davis Johnson, Alexander McKinley, Lyman Sackett, Stephen Van Gilder, William William- son, Card Bnrfrind, A. C. Bennett, Nelson Gaylord, Charles Hick- man, George Johnson, Gottlieb Persig, Orville Rogers, James E. Smith, A. D. Thayer, Thomas Thompson, Frederick Walters, Frank Yager. Cherry Grove has four large and commodious churches — -one Catholic, one German Lutheran and one Norwegian Lutheran. There have been postoffices at Ayr, Fairpoint and Spring Creek. CENTRAL POINT. Central Point, the most easterly as well as the smallest of Goodhue county townships, lies in a bend in Lake Pepin directly above Lake City. It contains one complete section and several fractional ones and is bounded on the north and east by the lake, south by Lake City in Wabasha county, and west by Florence. Its surface is broken. An isolated bluff rises in the eastern part, and its peculiar shape has won the name of Sugar Loaf. A point of land extending some distance into the lake about midway between the head and foot of same gives the town its name. By reason of its excellent landing place and its position midway in the lake, there were many early dreams of its future greatness as a shipping point. Charles Gould settled near here in about 1850. In 1853 a Mr. Gridley made a claim to some land. He was followed by R, L. Phillips, H. L. Barrett and Hannibal Bonnell. Soon quite a flourishing neighborhood gathered about the landing, and in 1855 a village plat was surveyed and specu- lation in village lots for a time became quite lively.- Silas Crop built a store and stocked it with general merchandise. Mr. Feary built a hotel, which was opened by E. S. Harrison. A postoffice was established and Perry D. Martin was appointed postmaster. In 1856 C. W. and E. Hackett built another store, which was also filled with general merchandise. Charles Moe built a steam sawmill and commenced the manufacture of lumber. At this time Central Point" was the only steamboat lauding in the vicinity, and for a period it seemed designed to become a lumbering center, where would bo sawed the logs floated down