Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/217

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HISTOEY OF GOODHUE (OI XTY 165 ated on the north side, is well equipped and does a prosperous business. Groceries — Cannon Falls dry goods and city grocery; Magnus Olson, proprietor; Frank A. Lundberg, manager. Falck Bros.. Ole E. Falck and John E. Falck; established 1894. Lund- quist's grocery and feed store, Charles 0. Lundquist. proprietor. Westman's grocery, C. J. AYestman, proprietor. North Star grocery ; N. C. Olson, proprietor ; Carl Olson, manager ; estab- lished 1886. Hardware — O. F. Peters carries a full line of builders ' hardware, cutlery, stoves, household utensils, agricul- tural implements and vehicles, and does a large business. J. H. Carlson Hardware Company, John H. Carlson, manager. This firm carries a complete line of hardware and house furnishings and is building up a large and paying business. Harness — Hjal- raar Olson succeeded to the business of J. A. Ekloff some years ago and has built up a prosperous business in this line. Frank Schurch is one of the oldest dealers in harness and horse sup- plies in the county and is doing a prosperous business. Hotels — The Falls House, a commercial hotel, William C. Carroll, pro- prietor; the Piatt House, Willis H. Piatt, proprietor. Ice — Tan- ner & Seager Ice ; also proprietors of the Cannon Falls Nursery. Jewelry — Scofield Bros.. Caspar AValfahot, manager; George V. Williams, John Seagren, manager; Albert Lagerstrom. Livery — Riverside livery, Frank B. Lucking, proprietor; City livery, Reis- ner & Sehickling. Lumber — Ballard Trimble Lumber Company, F. R. Hall, manager; North Star Lumber Company, E. E. Lee, manager. Lawyers — Peter S. Aslakson, Charles P. Hall, Thor R. Johnson, AVillis W. AVoodruff, George E Wilson. Lands— Emil J. Holmes, lands and city property. Monuments — Lars C. Lockrem. Aleat markets — Bremer Bros., George Bremer, Fred Bremer, established 1892: Dibble Bros., Richard Dibble and Dan S. Dibble, established 1889. Alillinery— Airs. Carrie Tanner, Airs. Gertrude Ohnstad. ALUs— Goodhue mill, operated by the Can- non Valley Milling Company, a Alinneapolis concern; .lames C. Boynton, local manager. Cannon Falls Milling Company, T. L. Beiseter, president. New Cannon Plansifter ALU, Paul AV. Rothe, manager. This is the old stone mill on the Little Cannon, for many years known as the Thompson mill. Air. Rothe is very suc- cessful in its management. Newspapers — The "Beacon," John C. Applegate, proprietor ; founded in 1876. The ' ' Beacon ' ' under its present management was the leader in the movement for railroad regulation in the state, and was recognized throughout the northwest as an authority on the railroad question. The re- sult of this movement was radical reforms in transportation methods, and reductions in freight and passenger charges, sav ing millions every year to the business and farming interest of the state. The "Ledger," a weekly, published by S. S. Lewis.