Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/220

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168 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY school in 1856-57. the sessions being held in a building which he had erected for the purpose, principally of basswood logs; and which, for this reason, he named Basswood Seminary. This build- ing was also used for a house of worship, on Sabbath days for some time thereafter. Cannon Falls township is bounded on the north by Dakota county, on the west by Dakota county and Stanton, on the south by Leon, and on the east by Vasa. It comprises one entire gov- ernment township, Xo. 112, range 17, and its area has remained unchanged since the township act of 1858. Among the early supervisors of the township were: William Barton. W. P. Scofield, Lewis Engberg, J. D. Wheat, Abram Mal- let, D. H. Knox, George West, J. D. Jennings. H. A. Tanner, D. L. Davis. F. Pentz, C. W. Gillet. James McGinnis, E. E. Chase, W. P. Tanner and G. Slocum. The first town clerks were : J. T. Moss, Eli Ellsworth. George L. Baker, W. H. Scofield, J. D. Jen- nings, A. J. Phelps, John Jennings, Frank Slocum. W. P. Tanner served as town treasurer for eleven years, and was then followed by Frank Slocum. The early justices of the peace were J. A. Wilson. Park Tucker, G. Westman. W. H. Scofield and W. P. Tanner. The first constables were James H. Peyton, E. H. Klock, George McKenzie, E. R. Steel and George Kinder. Those who enlisted in the Civil War from Cannon Falls were as follows : Marion Abbott, Charles J. Anderson, Thomas H. Baker, John Boss. Captain George L. Baker. E. E. Chase, E. L. < "lark, Daniel E. < a dwell. George W. Doud, Peter Engberg, Jona- than Flynn. Lieutenant AVilliam D. Hale, Henry Hamilton, Nels. B. Johnson. Luther M.- Knox, James M. Knox. Charles Klock, Olof Larson, Peter Lindberg, George Lewis. William Morrell, George VY. Xeff, James H. Payton. William 0. Stranahan. Mathew Willson, Albert G. Leach. Charles M. Scofield, Marvin Cary, John Hoffstatter, Harlow VanVleit. < 'aptain Ara Barton, George Cook, Samuel Dilly. Samuel Hullett. AVilliam Hullett, John J. Hartig. James F. Kelley. Stephen A. Penny, Jacob Rhodes, David Val- entine, Joseph Blum, James A. Wright, Austin Demming, Cor- nelius Crown, Thomas Jennings. Lester Bancroft. George Park, Edward Klock. Nels Lindenholm, Matts Peterson, Cyrus Van Vliet. James L. Scofield, Luther Scofield. The present officials of the township are: Elof Johnson, chairman; Edward Lano and Martin Chelson, supervisors; Emil Bloomberg, clerk; Olaf Haine, treasurer; Louis Rapp, assessor.