Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/231

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 179 Gecrge Wood Garrard, son of General Israel Garrard, was born in Peekskill, X. Y.. August 20, 1863. He was educated at Morgan Park Military Academy. Chicago 111., and supplemented this training with extensive travels in Europe and the Orient. Like his father, he has been a collector, and the Garrard mansion now contains many relics and works of art which he has added to the family heirlooms. His collection of Japanese curios is particularly interesting. Mr. Garrard has devoted his life to managing the Garrard estates, and at the present time is manager and owner of the Frontenae Stone Company, mentioned else- where. He was married in 1889, October 31, to Virginia Colden Hoffman, daughter of Lindley Murray Hoffman, a prominent New York broker, and his wife, Margaret Mott. To Mr. and Mrs. George Wood Garrard have been born three daughters, Beulah Murray, Evelyn Stuart and Catherine Wood, all at home. GOODHUE TOWNSHIP. Goodhue comprises township No. Ill, range 15, and was originally a part of Belvidere, the combined township having been known as Elmira, York and Belvidere, successively, the latter name being retained by the half included in section 14 to the present day. Goodhue is bounded on the north by Feather- stone, on the east by Belvidere, on the south by Zumbrota and on the Avest by Belle Creek. In the western part there is an outrunning of Trenton limestone, making a high table land. The remainder of the township is lower, with broad valleys and some ridges. There are no big streams, and the soil throughout the township is of good quality and well adapted for the usual crops. The first settlement in the township was in 1854, when Francis Yergens and John Mann came in and staked out claims, built cabins and started to establish their homes in the wilderness. The succeeding year these two were followed by David Hickock, John Ingerbretson, Harry Danielson, Oliver Knutson and Knut Knutson. David Hickock and John Mann opened their houses for the accommodation of travelers. Peter Easterly came in 1856 and finding that Hickock and Mann each had more business than they could attend to, opened another hotel, which also had its full share of business for many years. Some time Later Hickock and Mann both abandoned the business, and for a con- siderable period Easterly kept the only public house in the place. The first birth in Goodhue was in 1855, when a child was born to Mrs. Francis Yergens. which was christened Henry. The wife of Daniel Hickock died in 1856, this being the first death in the township. The Rev. Jabez Brooks officiated at this service, and the sermon he preached on the occasion was the