Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/235

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COIWTY iga bespeak the prosperity of the citizens of Goodhue and farmers doing business here. The officers of the bank are: President, H. M. Scovell; vice-president, E. J. Maybauer; cashier. C. A. Arpke. One of the best creameries in the state (we say "best in the state" because of its ability in most cases to pay such prices and do business in such a way as to make it apparent to the farmer that this is the place where he can sell the dairy product to the greatest advantage) is the Goodhue Creamery. Thus the consolidated butter factory of the city gets from this community only a smattering of business, while all who know the value of a home creamery rejoice daily at the business tactics here ^adopted, making it possible to point with pride to this enterprise. Since the reputation of this section as a grain raising country has so long been established, it would hardly be fair to the stock- men to pass without saying that the horse buyers and cattlemen of the cities, when they want something choice, find Goodhue about the best place along the line to make their headquarters, where the owners of fine horses and fine cattle'can he seen daily as they come in from the garden spot of Goodhue county. "The Goodhue Enterprise," which is published on Thursday of each week, claims for its special aim in life the furnishing of a large grist of local and neighborhood news to its 700 sub- scribers, at the same time carrying to the average farmer of this part of the county, in the form of neatly displayed advertise- ments, the store news which the merchants of the village furnish, telling the buyers what they have for sale and urging them to come here whenever it is possible for them to do so. 'The Enter- prise" was established in 1896. the first issue being gotten out on Christmas day of that year, by what was known as the Good- hue Printing Company; however. D. C. Pierce, who continues to publish the paper, became its sole owner, and although Goodhue is a place of less than a thousand people, this publication has ever enjoyed a lucrative patronage, built up a nice business and established a reputation for reliability and punctuality. In politics it is Republican. The village of Goodhue was incorporated at a special elec- tion held April 26, 1897: President, P. D. Kelly; councilmen, 0. Parker, F. Holtz. C. L. Parkin; recorder, C. E. Rucker. The fire department was organized in 1898. Fire protection at present is furnished by water system from tank on a high elevation in the southwestern part of town, known as Cranson Heights. This tank was put up in 190:-!. capacity 80,000 gallons. The former protection was furnished by chemical system. Goodhue is noted for its supply of excellent pure water. Prom a deep citj well, the