Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/301

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1 1 1 STOliY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 241 $2,000 among the farmers ami the village residents. Dr. Grytten- holm corresponded with both the Northwestern Telephone Com- pany and the I nion Electric Telephone Company of Iowa, with the result that the former built the line. It was completed in the fall of 1895 from Zombrota and Kenyon with a side line to Hader and Aspelund. In 1897 the line was sold to the North- western Telephone Company. The first local telephone franchise in Zumbrota was granted to L. D. Ward October 31, 1899, who erected a few poles and had a small system in operation for about a year, when he sold out to Elmer Peek. Mr. Peck ran the sys- tem about two years, when he sold to Matchan, Vickstrom & Ward, who operated it for one year and then sold to J. I. Howe. In February, 1905, Howe sold to Messrs. F. G. and F. C. Marvin, who have extended the system into the country districts and have an up-to-date service in every respect. Electric Lights. Elmer Peck erected and equipped the first electric light plant in Zumbrota, getting a franchise in October, 1898. The first plant was established in a building on what is now the Great Western right of way and was located between the Northwestern and Great Western tracks about tw r o hundred yards west of Main street. In the early nineties the building was moved to its present location at the foot of Main street on the bank of the Zumbro river. Person & Co. purchased the plant from Mr. Peck and after running it four years sold to C. D. Den- nison, the present proprietor. The Zumbrota "News" was started in 1885 by a stock com- pany, with W. W. Kinne as first editor and manager, which posi- tion he held for several years, after which Herman Anderson be-, came the editor. Later Mr. Kinne resumed charge of the paper. Subsequently Mr. Anderson purchased the paper from the stock- holders, and in 1897 sold to A. J. Rockne. In 1900 E. F. Davis became part owner with Mr. Rockne, and is now the editor. The "News" is a newsy paper, has well written editorials, and through its local columns keeps the people of southern Goodhue county well acquainted with the doings in their part of the world. In addition to these features, a generous supply of general rend- ing and a resume of the national and foreign news of the week makes the paper a welcome visitor in some thousand homes. A large job printing establishment is operated in conned ion with the paper. The firm is now conducted under the name of Rockne & Davis. FRATERNITIES. The fraternal spirit was early manifest in the village of Zum- brota, and in the early seventies the larger national societies were well represented by lodges in this place.