Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/388

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322 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY the conclusion of the war Red Wing was chosen as a field by Dr. Charles N. Hewitt, a native of Vermont, born in 1885. Dr. Hewitt has had a long and honorable career. He has held various high offices. In the medical history of the county lie takes a high place a's physician and surgeon. As sanitarian, it is difficult ade- quately to estimate his great services to the commonwealth of Minnesota. He has left the imprint of his work upon the whole subject of public health. In 1865 Dr. ( '.■ Uveem. born in Norway in 1835, settled near Bader, where he continued to practice with success for many years. In the following year Dr. Christian J. Gronvold settled in Norway, township of Wanamingo. He was born in Norway in 1833. and died in the nineties. Dr. (ironvold was appointed a member of the stale board of health in 187i>. He was a man of much natural ability, one of the foremost authorities on leprosy, and somewhat of an original. Some time in the sixties Dr. A. Y. M. Archarius endeavored to establish himself' in Red Wing. Unfortunately for the community, he did not succeed. He was a t a 1 1 . s| >a l'e. extremely dignified and learned gen- tleman. Be complained to the writer, who made his acquaintance in Chicago in 1875, of his inability to make a living here, and of the success of the advertising quacks. He returned to Sweden, where the king gave him office commensurate with his abilities. The first homeopathic phyiscian to take up his residence in Red Wing was Dr. C. <i. Bigbee, horn in New York, in 183"). lie came in the sixties, and remained about ten years. He was a captain in the Union army, made choice of the medical profession, and was a successful practitioner. After an honorable Civil War record, 0. H. Hall, born in Erie county. New York, in 1842, studied medi- cine, was graduated a1 the Buffalo University, and settled in Zumbrota in 1868. He is a charter member of the Goodhue County Medical Society, and a successful physician. In 1869, Dr. Bruno Jaehnig established himself in Red Wing. He was 'born in Saxony. February 19, 1841. • Dr. Jaehnig has filled various positions of trust with faithfulness, and places of honor with mod- esty. ITe served the city as health officer, 1898-1907, and the state as physician to the training school since 1892. The people are indebted to him for long and valuable services. The practitioners whose lives have been faintly outlined here are the pioneers of the profession. They are among the most notable makers of history. Special homage should be paid these m en — or the memories of these men — for their toil, devotion and sacrifice in the rude and eventful days forty or more years ago. They were the peers of any in all the useful elements of man- hood. They were citizens most relied upon by their neighbors in foul as well as fair weather. It would be hard to find a person in the county who owes no debt of gratitude to one of these men.