Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/442

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370 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY old. was employed in the factory of Charles Betcher for forty- eight years ; has been foreman of the factory for many years. He retired in 1909. The township' of Hay Creek was organized in 1858. The first settler was a Mr. Eger, who took a claim on section two, near the line of Wacoota township in the spring of 1854. In the fall of that year, George Friedrich, father of C. E. Fried- rich of the firm of Friedrich & Kempe, Red Wing, came to the township, but removed to Belle Creek immediately after. The first marriage was solemnized between Ernst Schubert, brother- in-law of Fred Saupe, and Miss Reinhart in 1859 by William Hayman, the first justice of the peace in the township. Early in the year 1856, Charles Aiders built a house near the place where Burkard's hotel now stands. Mr. Ahlers was one of the many in those days who suffered the annoyance of a former claimant. lb' had his first log cabin nearly completed, when another man appeared to dispute his right to the land, whose claim was based upon the fact thai he had been there and inscribed his name on a tree previous to Mr. Ahler's advent. The former claimant was backed by a mob of men armed with clubs, axes and other weapons. So there was no alternative for Mr. Ahlers but to leave his improvements or pay the recjuired amount of cash. He paid the money, remained and opened his house for the accom- modation of travelers. The early settlers of this town were all subjected to trouble for a number of years on account of being within the limits of the "half breed tract." Church services were held at an early day by both Lutherans and Methodists (the history of which will follow under "Churches"). Each of these denominations has built very fine church edifices. In L854 the following located claims in Hay Creek: John Hack, Charles Darling. Ernst Schubert, G. F. Meyer. Wm. Meyer, H. Meyer. Charles Ahlers and Henry Isensee. In 1855, Rudolph Kruger and Fred Saupe. Mr. Kruger was a member of the first board of supervisors, ten years chairman of- it. the first tax col- lector of the town, county commissioner one term, was elected to the State Legislature in 1875 and 1876. In 1854, Anton Scherf, Ferdinand Scherf. In 1856, August Santelman. Fred Kohn, George Zeitler, also Messrs. Brenefeld and Lichte and Albert Burkharcl, who kept a store and hotel business besides the farm. In 1857, Henry Schlueter, Peter Stromberg, Henry Helmecke and George Hartman. In 1858, Christian Senkpiehl and Albert Staiger. The following are early settlers, but the exact year is not known. They are also Civil War veterans : Fred Baumbeck, Henry Burgdorf, August Buchholz, C. J. Henning, August B.