Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/494

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420 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY St. Paul's Church, at Red Wing, was organized November 20, 1886, by the Rev. G. II. Trabert, D. D., of Minneapolis, who con- tinued to serve the congregation every two weeks. The congre- gation at first held its services in the Swedish church, then in the school house belonging to the church. Later the services were transferred to a hall at the corner of Third and Bush streets, and from there to the chapel of the Episcopal church. The pres- ent lot was secured in The summer of 1889 and the building erected. This was enlarged in the year 189!). The congregation began with seven members and has increased to 300. There are 200 scholars in the Sunday school. Services are held each Lord's day morning and evening. Five pastors have served the congre- gation : Revs. G. II. Trabert, D. D.. 1883-89; C. B. Lindtwed, 1889-92: A. stn,,, I,.. 1893-95; J. A. Leas, 1896-01. The present pastor is Rev. A. -I. Reichert, who has served the congregation since May 1. L901. The congregation has qow no indebtedness. First English Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Cannon Falls. In the early pari of January, 1899, several persons of Cannon Falls, among whom was F. R. Anderson, were desirous of having English Lutheran services held in Cannon Falls. Mr. Anderson conferred with Rev. -I. A. Leas, who was then pastor of St. Paul's church, of Red Wing. Rev. Leas made arrangements, and the first service was held in the Methodist church ;it Cannon Falls on a Sunday evening. A goodly number was present at the service, and many expressed a desire that services be continued at the convenience of the pastor. In a few weeks another service was held, but after that service Reverend Leas was so occupied with the duties of his own parish that no further services were held for several months. In May, 1899, Reverend Leas and the Rev. Mr. Boulton visited Cannon Falls, and, having found a number of families that desired the continuance of English Lutheran serv- ices, arrangements were made to hold Sunday evening services every two weeks in the Methodist church. These services were conducted by Revs. Leas and Boulton from May 9 to October 15. About the first of October, 1899, a meeting was held for the pur- pose of organizing an English Lutheran church, but owing to the fact that one or two of those who were the prime movers of the work at first, becoming somewhat fainthearted, and being inclined to enter the Swedish Lutheran church, which had formerly refused to admit them to membership, the other persons inter- ested thought it not advisable to organize at that time. However, arrangements were made to hold services regularly every other' Sunday, both morning and evening, in a hall rented for the pur- pose. P. A. Peterson, postmaster, kindly offered the use of a small hall near his place of business. The first service was held I fctober 15, 1899. These services were so well attended that after