Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/502

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428 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Jacob Durbahn, 1894-99; E. J. Punk, 1899-1900; C. H. Sauter, 1900-01 ; Anton Peik, 1902-04 ; H. J. Hobert, 1904-06 ; W. H. Miller, 1906-07 ; AY. F. Koerner, 1907. Sabbatb schools are maintained at all three churches. The superintendent iu Red Wing is Peter Tubbesing; in Hay Creek, Edward Meyer, and in Belvidere, Claus Fitschen. Rev. William F. Koerner, who has pastoral charge of the German Methodist Episcopal churches at Red Wing, Belvidere and Hay Creek, is a native of Nora Spring, Iowa, born February 4, 1872. son of William and Mary (Vennekolt) Koerner, the former born in Germany and the latter in America of German parents. The father received his education in Germany and upon coming to this country located in Freeport, 111. In 1870 he en- tered the Northwest Conference as a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal denomination, and has since continued in ministerial duties. His present location is at Reinbeck, Iowa, where he is pastor of a large church. William F. attended the public schools of L>w;i. and graduated from the Charles City College. Charles City. Iowa, in 1894. In 1901 lie entered the ministry and was stationed successively at Dows, Iowa: Schaller, Iowa, and Mason city. Iowa, after which he returned to the Charles City College and took a post-graduate course. For two years he occupied a pastorate al SI. Paul and in 1906 took up his present duties in this county, being a member of the Northern German confer- ence. St. Paul district. Rev. Koerner is a Republican in politics. He was married duly 10. 1901. at Charles City. Iowa, to Pauline Mathews, daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth ('Young) Math- ews. The father, who was a shoe dealer, died October 29. 1908. To Rev. and Mrs. Koerner has been born one son. Allan M.. No- vember 26, 1905. SWEDISH METHODIST. The Swedish Methodists have tin-. hurches in the county, at Yasa. Red Wing and Goodhue. The Vasa Congregation was organized in 1860. when some Methodists from Sugar Grove. Pa., immigrated there. The organi- zation consisted of twelve persons. In 1862 a church was erected, which in 1885 was replaced by a new and better one. The first minister was X. S. Ahlstrom. He remained there from 1859 to 186i'. and was succeeded by P. Long. P. M. Johnson. C. F. Lind- quist, P. M. Johnson, B. Borgeson, A. Olson, J. A. Johnson. C. C Forsberg and C. F. Graner. In 1883 Yasa was visited by J. A Palmquist. pastor in Red Wing; later by C. J. Peterson. 1884-86 C. G. Johnson. 1886-91; A. J. Forsberg, 1891-93; C. M. Holmberg L893-98; -I. A. Palmquist, 1898-99: Olf Nelson. 1899-1901; K