Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/508

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434 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY For eighteen years Sister M. Bathildis, so well known for her success as a teacher and rare skill in needlework, directed the schools. She was succeeded by Sister M. Capistran in 1891, Sister M. Edwardine in 1895, and Sister M. Ignatia in 1898, all cultured and brilliant women, who, with an able corps of assistants, have carried on the arduous work of training the youth of the parish. Owing to the generosity of Mrs. Anna M. Busch, the large brick residence so long the home of the Frederick Busch family, on Seventh street, was given in 1908 for the use of the sisters, and fitted up as a convent. At the same time, to accommodate the increasing number of children, a fourth room was equipped, and 140 pupils enrolled. The sisters teach German and the eight usual common-school grades, preparing the children for high-school work. They endeavor also to give specific training in Christian life, that prepares for useful citizenship ; to "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." The present community of sisters (1909) consists of Sister M. Ignatia, superioress, Sister M. Bellina, Sister M. Mildgintha, Sis- ter It. Illiclia, Sister M. Arnica, Sister M. Cuthburga, and Sister M. Alonza. The munificent gift of the Fred Busch homestead on Seventh si reel for school purposes opens up a still more propitious future. Arrangements are under way for the erection, next to the convent, of a $20,000 school building, with all modern con- veniences, thus adding another gem to the crown of educational institutions of Red "Wing. Belle Creek and Goodhue. As a mission in Red Wing, Belle ( 'reek flourished with the surrounding country. The great tem- perance, or total abstinence, movement inaugurated in Minnesota by Father Ireland, now archbishop of St. Paul, was early and earnestly taken up by Belle Creek parish. Fidelity to the cause of Father Mathew has made the name of Belle Creek prominent at every Catholic total abstinence state convention. Even when general apathy threatened abandonment of organized effort, the delegates from St. Columbkill's parish were in the forefront to carry on this battle against the demon Drink. The power of per- sistent and unrelenting opposition to intemperance by the pio- neer members of the Total Abstinence^ociety has shown itself in the rising generation's temperate and edifying lives. The flour- ishing community requiring greater attention than could be ren- dered by the pastor of Red Wing, Rev. W. T. Roy was appointed first resident pastor in 1878. with Cannon Falls and Cherry Grove as missions. Rev. James O'Reilly, Rev. Hugh McDevit and Father Ansbro followed, until 1886, when Rev. Robert Fitzgerald took charge, and beside the two missions above, visited Zumbrota, holding