Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/518

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442 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Rev. R. R. Jennison, in 1889 ; Rev. Israel Putnam, in 1890; Rev. J. J. Elftman, in 1891; Rev. C. J. St. Hill, in 1892. During Mr. St. Hill's pastorate of two years the old parsonage property, which had served as a home for the preachers for over thirty years, was sold, and a new building erected on the lot directly west of the church, which constitutes the main part of the pres- ent parsonage. Rev. H. I. Pharo was placed in charge in 1894, and in 1896 he was succeeded by Rev. AY. M. Gillis, whose pas- torate continued for six years. The parsonage was enlarged and improved during his pastorate into the commodious and com- fortable house it is at present. And it was during this pastorate that the old brick church, which had accommodated the society for thirty-four years, displaced by the splendid frame church now standing on the east corner of the block on which the par- sonage stands. This church stands as a monument to the tireless energy and faithful work of Mr. Gillis, and also of the liberality and loyalty of the people of the church and community. It was dedicated by Bishop Isaac Joyce on August 26, 1900. The value of this church and parsonage property is upwards of $10,000. In 1902 Rev. Herbert Jones was appointed to this charge, and he was succeeded in 1903 by Rev. R. O. Lawrason. who remained until the fall of 1906, when the present pastor, Rev. W. J. Robin- son, was placed in charge. At the time of this writing a complete list of the church officials from the beginning is not available. The present board of trustees is as follows: T. H. Bunn. II. A. Castle, C. E. Hutchinson. George M. Rogers, T. S. Mellinger, C. AY. Coleman. AY. AY. Jewell. L. L. Cornwell and Dr. C. B. McKaig. A1 the time of the organization of the church a Sunday school was also organized, which has continued for over half a century as a center of religious instruction and influence in the commu- nity. M. R. Hopper is at present the popular and efficient superintendent. The ladies of the church and congregation are organized into a Ladies' Aid Society, which affords opportunity for social intercourse, and has proven a strong factor in improv- ing and keeping the church property in repair as well as con- tributing generously towards the current expenses. The officers for the year just closing are as follows: Mrs. F. A. Howard, president ; Airs. T. H. Bunn, vice president ; Mrs. A. Burpee, sec- retary; Airs. H. H. McCray. treasurer. At this writing the church in all departments is in a prosperous condition. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Zumbrota was organized in the fall of 1869 with Zumbrota, Roscoe and Goodhue as ap- pointments, being at that time in the Red AVing district. Rev. Boyd Phelps was pastor and Rev. J. O. Rich presiding elder. Both remained in the same capacity for the following three years.