Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/520

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444 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY of members. The first recorded baptism was that of Anna Myra, the infant daughter of Charles and Myra AY. Jewett, Sunday, November 15, 1857. At the annual meeting of January 28, 1860, the question of a permanent home was discussed and a committee consisting of Ibmry Blanchard, T. 1). Rowell, Charles Ward and Charles C. Webster was appointed to locate a suitable site for the building. The present edifice was the result, it being erected in 1862. The building was lengthened and the vestry added during the sum- <uer of 1880. In April. 1869, four lots as a parsonage site were donated by I. C. Stearns. The building was erected the mt vear. The Zumbrota church lias been host to the Southeastern Min- nesota Conference twice — June 21. L859, and May 23 to 25, 1882. Emily Hartwell, missionary to Poo Chow, China, is a member of this church, she having joined on confession of her faith July 7, 1867. She was at that time attending school at this place and she has never severed her connection with the ehureh organizal ion. The presenl officers are the Rev. John Hayes Barnett, pastor; Mrs. Emma P. Freeman, clerk; . T. Wedge, treasurer; Henry Scofield, James Cram, Walter < '. Rowell and Edward P. Mahaffy, deacons, Messrs. Scofield and ('ram having been elected to the office for life, as an appreciation of their faithful services; Mrs. Henry Scofield, deaconess; and .lames Cram, Lewis Scofield and Prof. J. T. Fuller, trustees. The church has the following active auxiliaries: A Ladies' Aid Society, organized during the early days of the church. Its officers are .Mrs. X. T. Wedge, president; Mrs. Nora Scofield. vice-president ; Mrs. Florence Mosher, secretary, and Mrs. Lettie Mclntire, treasurer. A Women's Missionary Society, organized August 19, 1882, with Mrs. ('. 11. Rogers, directress: Miss Hattie Rogers, secretary, and Miss Cornelia Chaffee, treasurer. Its work is now under the supervision of Mrs. Florence Mosher, president; Mrs. Emma F. Freeman, vice-president ; Mrs. Nora M. Barnett, secretary, and Miss Nettie Barrett, treasurer. A Sunday school, with Prof. J. T. Fuller, superintendent; Mrs. Emma F. Freeman, assistant superintendent, and Mrs. E. F. Mahaffy. secretary- treasurer. A Christian Lndeavor Society, officered by Percy Ward, presi- dent; Cora Wedge, vice-president: Lawrence Mahaffy. secretary, and Blanche Scofield, treasurer. A Brotherhood, organized in November, 1908, with Lewis Scofield, president: Abel Anderson, vice-president, and S. DeFor- resl Warren, treasurer.