Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/526

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148 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY amounted to $139,898. George H. Cook, who has been closely identified with the history of the church for many years, delivered at the semi-centennial a speech which embodied the foregoing facts. He closed with this appreciation of the. work of some of the prominent members and workers: "I wish to mention C. J. F. Smith, who was one of the first members and who acted as trustee, elder, senior Bible class teacher, and who was always present at all the meetings; E. W. Brooks, elder, trustee, junior Bible class teacher and a liberal contributor, who by his gentle manner and great fund of anecdotes was able to hold and mould the lives of all young people who came under his charge; D. C. Hill, for his faithfulness in attendance during nearly fifty years and for his work as officer in different departments during that time; W. H. Putman. who for years lias been treasurer of the church and whose work in that office alone has taken weeks in time in entering the Sunday collections, and who has acted as trustee, elder and adviser through all these years and never at any time has anyone heard a word against him, the things done by him for the upbuilding of the church unknown to its members being greater than the known things ; Charles E. Sheldon, who for years has sung in the choir both morning and evening and in the Sunday school at each session, and who set a high standard for the young singers who are to enter into the next fifty years' history of the church ; L. H. Stiles for his universal kindly ways and sympathetic manner, who seemed to know beforehand that you were in trouble and who always was at your side to give you comfort; M. B. Lewis, for his loyal, faithful service in .many departments of the church and whose ministrations have been tender, loving and helpful, far beyond the knowledge of the average member. As I mention these names the list begins to grow so rapidly in my mind that I must stop at once, for to mention the helpful labors of all those whom I have known would be to lengthen this historical sketch to too great a length." The pastors of the church have been as follows: J. "W. Hancock, 1855-1861; P. H. Snow, 1861-1862; Sanford H. Smith, 1*862-1866; J. A. Annin, 1866-1867 ; D. E. Wells, 1867-1873 ; R. F. McLaren, 1873-1879; Walter Condit, 1880-1882; Robert J. Service, 1883- 1888 ; Plato T. Jones. 1888-1892 ; J. H. Sammis, 1892-1898 ; Eliot H. Moore, 1899-1901; Charles D. Darling, 1905-1908; and John T. Fulton, 1908. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Another pioneer church is the Protestant Episcopal. There are churches or chapels of this denomination in Belle Creek. Red Wing, Florence, Cannon Falls, Holden and Kenyon. There was formerly one in Zumbrota, which is now rented.