Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/574

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494 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY gage was saved. I have ten checks in my pocket, but not a trunk or carpet bag. Aly little boy had on a night gown, and his mother was costumed after the manner of the bride above mentioned! Unfortunately for me, I had deposited my money in the safe, and the safe proving to be an iron box only, everything within it was utterly destroyed. The citizens of Red Wing were a humane- hearted people. All our immediate wants were relieved and cloth- ing supplied in abundant, if not always in perfectly fitting measure. ' ' The survivors, after being properly provided for, were embarked on the next boat up the river, going to their several destinations. The charred remains of the five persons who perished were ten- derly and carefully deposited in coffins and buried with the usual Christian burial service in Oakwood cemetery. The wrecked hull was drawn up on the sand with considerable difficulty, but was not removed until some time later. On October 31, 1859. the prominenl citizens of Red Wing, realizing thai the wreckage was bt)th unsightly and ;i menace to traffic, petitioned that the mayor of common council appropriate $300 to be used in connection with what would be contributed by the packel company, to have the obstruction removed, hater tin- removal was accomplished. The petition is still in existence, and the list of signatures is herewith published, as it shows the names of the principal men and business companies living in the city at that time. The signers were: K. X. McLaren, Peter Meresole, Andrew A. Teele, <;. I. Cooper, s. B. Foot. Edward L. Teele. Orton P. Ward, A. Daniels, jr.. II. A. Park, Towne & Pierce, Clinton G. Reynolds, C. 11. and K. L. Baker. P. Sandford, IT. C. Hoffman, I. S. Kellogg, S. YV. Chaffee. T. Le Adams, das. ('. Hawes, J. E. Simmons, Mc- [ntire and Sheldon. W. L. Webster, T. B. Mc< lord, J. M. Hodgman, W. C. Williston, AY. I). Bevans, Thomas I. Smith. Albert Hall, S. A. Bevans, < '. E. Bolander, John M. Ives, 0. B. Rosco, P. Brun- dage, Alan Comstock, W. W. DeKay, William Freeborn, Fric Peterson, William Burrill. J. C. Weatherby. J. W. Brown, E. M. Borsil, Seth T. Norton. AY. W. Sweney, J. M. Friedrich, Charles Kemp. R. B. Smither. S. A. Hart. AL Hickman and Bro.. F. P. Downing. Jared Sexton. AYilliam Sexton, W. L. Grow, F. AY. Lit- tle, Smith Aleigs & Co., Brown and Betcher, Orin Densmore, Hub- hard and Davis. AL L. Chamberlin, F. C. Howard. Geo. AY. Park, A. W. Esping. E. P. Lowater, Q. Bunch & Co., John Carroll, George AYilkinson, AY. Bristol, A. B. Hawley, W. W. Phelps, J. Going, Fred Joss, Francis Ives, T. I. Little, A. G. Littlefield, William Lauver, G. W. Woodley, H. Pettibone, James G. Stod- dard. Andrew Cook, J. H. Brand. Phallappe Hoffman, E. J. Wilder. ('. McClure, A. B. Miller and Watts Sherman.