Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/590

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510 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY haps take the last look upon those they loved. Many an eye dimmed and many a lip quivered as they filed aboard the boat, and not infrequently might have been noticed a tear stealing down the cheeks of those who had just bid farewell to friends. As the boat moved from the levee, the crowd ashore cheered lustily, which was heartily responded to by the volunteers, and amid the waving of flags and handkerchiefs and the hurrahs of the multitude, the Ocean "Wave passed out of sight." Of the reception at St. Paul of this first company raised in Minnesota and offered as a sacrifice in defense of the integrity and perpetuity of the American Union, the "Press" of May 2 said : 'They were received at the landing by the Pioneer Guards, who escorted them to their temporary quarters in the city. An immense crowd of citizens were at the levee to welcome their arrival, and as the companies filed through the streets to their quarters, the sidewalks were lined with ladies and gentlemen, who kept up a continuous cheer as the brave volunteers passed along. The ranks returned the salutations with hearty goodwill. The Eed Wing brass band came up with the company from that place, and added materially to the enthusiasm of the occasion. The company is more than full, and composed of the very bone and sinew of the stalwart farmers of Goodhue county." No sooner was the above company full, in fact even before its organization was nearly perfected, a movement was started for the organization of a second company in Red Wing, and up to Friday, May S, fifty names were reported. Patriotic enthu- siasm was at fever heat. Saturday evening, the 4th, this second company met and perfected it« organization by the election of the following officers : Captain, A. D. Whitney ; first lieutenant, E. L. Baker ; second lieutenant, H. Mattson ; third lieutenant, J. F. Pingrey; first sergeant, Andrew A. Teele; second sergeant, W. E. Hawkins; third sergeant, J. H. Mues ; fourth sergeant, ('. R. Brink; first corporal, C. Berg; second corporal, M. J. Chamberlain; third corporal, J. S. Allyn ; fourth corporal, C. C. Johnson; ensign, W. AY. Phelps; bugler, J. C. Hawes. Pri- vates: F. A. Meredith, T. B. McCord, William Philleo, Charles Betcher, "W. P. Brown, L. F. Hubbard, Harvey Miller, A. Johnson, W. C. Williston, Benjamin Densmore, Daniel Dens- more, H. B. Wilson, AY. AY. Rich, T. R, Sterling, J. M. Hodgman, S. B. Morrow, L. H. Girard, C. H. Baker, A. Thomas, Allen Swain, W. W r . DeKay, C. C. Webster, R, N. McLaren, G. W. Baldwin, John Foot, D. Mellen, Watts Sherman, H. C. Hoffman, J. Ashton, H. Hickman, D. Heald, F. P. Downing, Herman Betcher. The country districts were not idle. All over the county the people were full of patriotic fervor. Meetings were held in almost'every schoolhouse. at which spirited addresses were made