Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/637

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HISTORY (>F G00DH1 E COUNTY was decided thai the steam ferry boal system had proven a suc- cess. The city receipts this year were about $18,000, while the expenses were only half thai amount. Among the receipts is noted an item of $2,044.06 for wharfage, a neat source of income in those days. 1870-71 — The officers this year were: Mayor, W. P. Brown; councilmen, W. E. Hawkins, E. W. Brooks and .John Priedrich; marshal and health officer, W. AY. DeKay; attorney. W. ('. Wil- liston ; physician, AY. Y. Sweney; constable, M. ('. Fifield; treas- urer, A. J. Meachum; recorder, James Lawther. William P. Hutchinson and J. J. Hemphill made a contract with the city for running the ferry. A contract avms made with Stephens & Daniels to build a lock-up for prisoners. The "Bed Wing," out of com- pliment to its name, was voted free wharfage at the levee. A fire alarm bell was purchased. A. AY. Pratt took the place of A. J. Meachum, who resigned as treasurer. W. AY. DeKay re- signed as constable. Ai. Ansbro and M. C. Fifield were dismissed from the police force. Thomas Taylor and Peter Glardon were given their positions. The officers of the fire department this year were William E. Hawkins, chief engineer; Timothy McCue, first assistant ; S. AY. Roberts, second assistant. Francis Ives, after nine years' service as a justice, resigned and left the city. A number of fire policemen were appointed this year, and the list is appended, nearly every name being one that is now honored and revered in the city of Red Wing. These fire policemen, repre- senting the most prominent citizens of that period, were: James Lawther. AY. C. AYilliston, Frank Cole. T.B. Sheldon, S. B. Foot, Henry Brown, J. C. Weatherby, AY. AY. Phelps, T. K. Simmons, James Marshall, AY. AY. Sweney, William Graves, L. C- Smith, Frank Sterrett, E. P. Lowater, Thomas Towne, A. Wright, II. C. Hoffman, J. M. Hodgman, Charles Betcher, Jesse Mclntire, P. Sandford, J. J. Richter and AI. Herschler. 1871-72— The officers this year were: Alayor, E." H. Alley; councilmen, John Friedrich, AY. E. Hawkins and W. AY. Sweney; recorder, S. J. Willard; justices, S. J. Hasler and Chris Graham; street commissioner, W. W. DeKay; attorney, W. C. AYilliston ; physician. E. S. Parker; treasurer, A. W. Pratt; constable. D. AI. Baldwin ; marshal, W. W. DeKay. Jeremiah A r an Schvik was em- ployed to run the ferry on the Wisconsin channel and J. J. Hum- phrey on the Red AYing channel. O. C. Serum, At. C. Fifield and Thomas Taylor were appointed policemen. During this year the Hamline University property was purchased, the building re- moved and the land converted into a city park. A steam engine was also purchased for the fire department. George J. Richards was appointed sexton of the cemetery. AY. C. AYilliston was ap-