Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/661

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CHAPTEB XXXI. "THE DESIRABLE CITY." Its Many Advantages — Desirability as a Home City — The Car- negie-Lawther Library — T. B. Sheldon Memorial Auditorium — Red Wing Civic League — Fire Department — Water Works — Ferries — Wagon Bridge — Associations and Clubs — Banks and Banking— Business and Professional — Red Wing Fra- ternities. In the early part of 1903 the Red Win <i Public Library pro- ject burst forth from its chrysalis of hope and expectation and became a tangible reality. Early in 1892 the subject began to be agitated in earnest, but it was not until January 6, 1893, that the library board was created, and not until March of the same year that organization was effected, by the election of officers and the adoption of by-laws and the necessary rules of procedure. Al- though the projectors of this public enterprise no doubt had faith that their efforts would result in an institution of. continual growth, had the gift of prophecy revealed to them that in one short decade Red Wing would be possessed of such a beautiful edifice as graces the corner of Third and West avenue, it would have sounded to them like a tale from the "Arabian Nights." As soon as the board organized, a special meeting of the business men was held on March 29. in the council chamber, to devise ways and means of raising the necessary funds for the support of the library. A resolution was passed that $2,500 be raised by sub- scription, that being the amount estimated by the board to be necessary to purchase books and maintain the library for one year, after which the council was to be asked to support the institution by a tax levy. A soliciting committee was appointed, but it was the panic year and after about $600 had been sub- scribed the plan was given up. Although the necessary funds could not be secured by subscription the members of the board and others who were deeply interested in the work, kept a stout heart, and determined to overcome all obstacles. The members 579