Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/671

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UISTOKY 01 GOODHUE COT TY 589 lion April 20. 1878, the $25,000 in bonds was given by Red Wing- to the treasurer of the company in return for that amount in stock, the object being to provide the people of Pierce county with an easy access to Red Wing. Contracts for the work were soon let. They provided for a road across the island, ten pile bridges to allow the passage of the overflow of the river during high water, and in addition to this a bridge across the Wiscon- sin channel. Lawrence and Lindell did the grading and D. C. Hill built the bridges. In the spring of 1879 this work was com- pleted and the flat boat which had previously crossed the Wis- consin channel was brought around to the Minnesota channel and run in connection with the one already running there. The company leased the ferry to J. W. Day until 1884 and to AY. K. Hawkins from 1884 to 1886. In the latter year, the company became dissatisfied with the leasing arrangement and from then until the completion of the high bridge, ran the ferry under the direct supervision of its officers. The date of the beginning of the bridge agitation in Red Wing lies in obscurity. As early as 1872, congress authorized the build- ing of a draw bridge here. In 1883, the Minnesota Central rail- road asked the assistance of the city in building a combination wagon and railroad bridge, but the city meeting held to con- sider the matter ended in a row. In 1889 the Red Wing Pontoon Bridge Company was organized, but nothing came of this ven- ture. In 1888 the city voted $25,000 to assist the Duluth. Red Wing & Southern railroad in building a bridge, but the company did not take advantage of the offer. The agitation which resulted in the present bridge started in the fall of 1892. On January 6, 1893, the matter was brought before the city council and Alder- man C. E. Friedrieh, J. C. Seebaeh and G. A. Carlson were ap- pointed a committee to investigate. This committee, after in- vestigation, rendered a favorable report and drew up a resolu- tion for submitting to the voters the proposition of issuing bonds to the amount of $50,000. March 10, the officials of the Duluth, Red Wing & Southern railroad asked that the resolution be with- drawn making the bridge a combination one. During the spring the necessary legislative measures were taken, and on October 20 the council took up the matter with renew T ed vigor. The city voted in favor of $75,000 bonds on February 8, the vote standing 1,353 to 286. Then the bonds were sold, contracts let and work started, the whole reaching a joyful consummation on May 1, 1895. The present officers of the Red Wing & Transit Company are Peter Nelson, president; M. Kappel, vice-president; S. H. Haynes. secretary, and W. H. Putnam, treasurer. In addition to