Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/681

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EJSTORI OF GOODHUE COUNTS 599 the office of Judge Wilder, at the same time working in the bank of Pascal Smith as clerk. In 1865, when the banking business of Mr. Smith was disposed of to the First National Hank. Mr. Pratt became connected with the latter institution, serving as book- keeper until 1868. In 1868, with J. C. Pierce and T. K. Simmons, he organized the Bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co. Josiah < '. Pierce was The first president and Mr. Pratt the cashier. Upon the death of Mr. Pierce. Mr. Pratt succeeded him as president, occu- pying that position until .January. 1908, when he resigned and retired. In addition to his banking interests, Mr. Pratt opened what he called "The Old Book Store/" on Bush street, which he later sold to Arthur D. Danielson. the present proprietor. A Democrat in politics. Mr. Pratt has always been interested in public affairs, and for many years he served as treasurer of the city. He is a member of the Episcopal Church and belongs to the Elks. The subject of this sketch was married at Painsville, Ohio, November 8, 1860, to Agnes Y. Russell, of that place. Four children have blessed the union. Tracy W. is general manager of the large cotton and oil works at Huntsville, Alabama. Henrietta S. is the wife of Ralph Taber, a literary man of some note. Rus- sell A. is manager of a bottling establishment at Sheffield. Ala- bama, and Arthur P. is in charge of the Coca-Cola Bottling Com- pany, in New York City. Mrs. Pratt died in Red Wing in 1897. The Goodhue County National Bank, of Red "Wing, was or- ganized as a private bank under the name of the Goodhue County Bank January 1. 1878, by H. E. Perkins, E. W. Brooks. William Featherstone, F. W. Hoyt, E. S. Hoard, C. Clauson, T. B. Shel- don, with a capital of $40,000.00. The first officers were: Presi- dent, T. B. Sheldon ; vice president, C. Clausen ; cashier, J. S. Hoard. May 1-4, 1887. it was incorporated as a state bank and the officers elected were: President. T. B. Sheldon; vice presi- dent, A. H. Boxrud; cashier, F. Busch. The board of directors were : T. B. Sheldon, E. W. Brooks, F. W. Hoyt, William Feather- stone, H. E. Perkins, William Busch, F. Busch and A. H. Boxrud. Capital, $51,000. June 20, 1904, it was incorporated as a national bank under the name of the Goodhue County National Bank of Red Wing, with a capital of $150,000.00 and the following of- ficers : President, F. Busch ; vice president, J. H. Rich ; cashier, C. F. Hjermstad; assistant cashier, E. L. Lee. The directors were: F. Busch, J. H. Rich, C. A. Betcher, B. Gerlach, William Busch, G. Lillyblad, E. D. Brooks and C. F. Hjermstad. The present officers are : President, J. H. Rich ; vice president, C. F. Hjermstad ;■ cashier, C. J. Sargent; assistant cashier, E. L. Lee; assistant cashier, O. A. TJlvin. The present directors are: J. H. Rich, C. F. Hjermstad. C. A. Betcher, B. Gerlach. William Busch,