Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/693

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 609 were as follows: President, S. J. Willard; vice president, Ole 0. Hegna; treasurer, II. L. Olson; secretary, N. 0. Werner; medical director, Dr. V. V. Sweney. The presenl officers are: President, Hon. Peter Nelson; vice president, C. Lillethun ; treasurer, C. F. Hjermstad; secretary, Andrew Lindgren; medical director, Dr. J. V. Anderson. The annual meeting of the association is held on the fourth Tuesday in January and the board of directors meets bi-monthly on the fourth Tuesdays of March, May, July, Sep- tember and November. The directors also meet on the Monday next preceding the annual meeting of the association, and hold their annual meeting immediately after the adjournment of the annual meeting of the association. In addition to the officers mentioned above. Emil Olund is the superintendent of agencies, and the board of managers consists of Hon. Peter Nelson, Hon. O. M. Hall, C. F. Hjermstad, C. 11. Boxrud and Andrew Lindgren. Red Wing Tribe, No. 31, I. 0. R. M., was organized November 23, 1899. The first officers were: Sachem, J. H. Webster; senior sagamore, J. W. Eisenbrand; junior sagamore, W. A. Jellineck; prophet, William Hendel; chief of records. Carl A. Peterson; keeper of wampum. Joseph Jellineck. The present officers are: Sachem, Harry Xordholm; senior sagamore, Knute Almquist; junior sagamore, Alfred Peterson; prophet, J. W. Eisenbrand; chief of records, AYilliam M. Erickson ; keeper of wampum, Alfred Chellson. The meetings are held the second and fourth "Wednes- days of each month in I. 0. 0. F. Hall. Red Wing Court, No. 980, Independent Order of Foresters, was organized January 18, 1892, with a charter membership of twenty-two. The first officers were: C. D., William L. Beeman; C. R., U. Curtis ; V. C. R., C. E. Harrison ; S. W., Henry C. Aiders ; S. B., David AY. Watson ; P. C. R., C. E. Harrison; treasurer, Hiram Howe ; financial secretary, Finley Goodrich ; Jr. W., J. B. Melander; recording secretary, C. W. Ives; Ct. Phys., Otis J. Brown, M. D. The present officers are: P. C. R., C. H. Meyer; C. D., C. K. Reckner; C. R., B. Wilkinson; C. C. R., Roy Desso ; financial secretary, F. A. Bartron; recording secretary, John G. Kappel ; treasurer, W. S. Scott ; orator, G. E. Gates ; S. W., C. A. Vanberg; Jr. W., Carl Sutherland; S. B., Carl Soderholm; J. B., Edward Tebbe ; trustees, W. A. Giffin and Hiram Howe ; fin. com., Dr. AY. M. Smith and Hiram Howe. The meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays in each month at I. 0. 0. F. Hall. The present membership is 215. Companion Court Mississippi, No. 300, Independent Order of Foresters, was organized March 26, 1900. The first officers were : C. R,, Nellie B. Erb ; V. C. R„ Lottie Sponable; R. S., Rose Har- rison; F. S., Grace Gardner Smith; treasurer, Margaret Gross; orator, Amelia Hendel; organist, Melphia Jones; Sr. AY., Grace