Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/737

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTS 641 vice president and director of the Poresl Products Company since L908. J If was one of the originators and a charter mem- ber of the Red Wing Commercial Club, and its president, L901-02. He was also originator and charter member of the Red Wing Manufacturers' Association and its president Prom 1 ! K M to 1908. His military record includes service as first sergeanl of Company (i. Minnesota National Guards, from L883 to 1 V M. and as captain of the same from 1> S ^ to L892. Originally an old time Democrat, he became an independent voter on the issue of free silver and Bryanism. His public offices, however, have been held by merit and irrespective of party affiliations. Among the positions with which his fellow citizens have honored him are those of member of the city council, L892-93; member of the city cemetery hoard. 1889-90, also 1906 and at present, and member of the city auditorium board, 1904 and at present. In 1908 he became presi- dent of the latter hoard. In Christ Episcopal Church, of which he is a faithful attendant, he has been vestryman since 1906. Charles A. Betcher was united in marriage February 12. 1885, to Carrie B. Eddy, daughter of E. AY. Eddy, one of the early pio- neers of Minnesota. To this union has been born 0m 1 sou, ( Jharles E. Betcher. whose sketch follows. Mr. Betcher is an admirable citizens in every respect, and his record plainly set forth be- speaks his merit louder than would the most laudatory en- comiums. Air. Betcher has recently erected a beautiful home on Fourth street, which is one of the residential ornaments of the city. Charles Betcher. founder of the Red Wing family of that name and an active factor in the industrial growth of the city from its earlier days, was born in Greifswald, Prussia. Germany. January 31, 1830. He attended the common and academic schools of his native kingdom and there acquired the excellent educa- tion to which he afterward added a store of business sagacity and knowledge acquired through active contact with the world of affairs. In 1849 he came to America and located in Rochester. N. Y., later taking up his residence in "Wayne county, in the same state. In 1855 he moved to Winona. Minn., and opened a hard- ware store with a branch at Red AYing. It was in May, 1856, that he took up his residence permanently in this city. Three years later he embarked in the lumber business by purchasing the Blakely interest in the firm of Cogel & Blakely, the firm be- coming Cogel & Betcher. Later Air. Betcher became the sole proprietor. In 1889 the firm of Charles Betcher Company was incorporated. Tie discontinued the hardware business about 1893, In his latter years Air. Betcher took a deep interest in the early history of the comity and city and was president of the Old Settlers' Association. During his forty-seven years'