Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/746

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650 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY cently the gift of $50,000 for a Y. M. C. A. building, now being constructed, by James Lawther, one of the pioneers of Red Wing. These generous donations furthering the upbuilding of the town are but an index of the spirit of citizenship here. That spirit per- vades the hearts of all — tin- well-to-do and. as well, those in more moderate circumstances, and is bound to make itself felt in the future years more and more potentially. Red Wings past is secure. The pages of the nation's history are adorned by the illustrious deeds of its heroes, who, under Colvill, made the charge at Gettysburg one of its imperishable assets: Minnesota is indebted to it for one of its best governors, Hon. Lucius F. Hubbard, distinguished as soldier and civilian, while it has given to the world, at home and elsewhere, an un- usual number of honored and useful lives. Red AVing's present is prosperous and happy. Twelve thousand thrifty people, living contentedly among its bluffs and along the Mississippi, con- sider it an inestimable privilege to dwell in one of the most favored beauty spots of picturesque America. Red Wing's future looms up Large, safe ami enjoyable to those who know it best. They are confident that, with the growth of Greater America, which shall utilize the Mississippi as an inland canal for freight ami passenger service, that shall see further railroad and trolley service, that shall press into practical use in larger measure the auto and the air ship — thai in an era like this. Red Wing, with its expanding business, its widening area of teeming factories, its splendid educational system keeping pace, in public schools ami seminaries, with the besl the country affords, with its magnificenl civic spirit alive to all that beautifies and ennobles — with all these. Red Wing will continue to be for those who prize honest industry, happy homes, high civic ideals, '"The Desirable < 'it; y. ' 'Henry R. Cobb. The Red Wing "Sentinel" was the seventeenth newspaper es- tablished in Minnesota. At the beginning it was a four-page, six- column, independent sheet. The firsl issue was dated about July 20, 1855. Its editor was William Colvill. Jr., and its pub- lishers Dan S. Merritt and -lames ( '. Hutchins. Colvill having been elected secretary of the Territorial Council of 1856. AY. AV. Phelps, then register of the United States Land Office at Red Wing, volunteered to help him out as temporary editor. It seems that neither could give the paper the time it needed, and on May 15, 1856, the "Pioneer and Democrat" announced that the editor of the "Sentinel" and its proprietors had that week printed their valedictory. The press and material were then sold to Alexis Bailly, one of the proprietors of the town of Hastings. Dakota comity, and were used to start the Dakota Weekly "■Journal." The Minnesota "Gazette" was the twenty-seventh newspaper