Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/750

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(3-31 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY has done so much to give the city the position it now occupies. It aims to thoroughly cover the local and county field, to present dignified editorials on the important topics of the day and to give the telegraphic news of the world. Its advertising columns are well patronized, and form a desirable medium for reaching the people of the city and county. The weekly edition contains a resume of the news of the week in a more condensed form than appears in the daily. Red Wing Printing Company. The "Republican" has. since its beginning, conducted a job printing department but, through- out the early years, the newspaper was predominant. In 1881, with consolidation of the ■■Sun'" and "Advance" with the '"Re- publican," the job department became inure conspicuous. The history of the joi> department has been practically that of the newspaper and has been in charge of the same officers, in the pjist eighl or ten years the job department has carried on a vigorous campaign to develop taste for high chfxs printing and in this campaign it has been very successful. The kind of stationery and general printing turned out in Red Wing ten or fifteen years ago would noi today lie accepted at any price, because of this de- velopmenl of high class art printing. The besl and latest im- proved machinery thai money can buy is used in this department and some of t lie besl printers in 1 his pari of the country have been in charge, the presenl competenl force being under the direction of David Gustafson, who has won wide recognition as an artistic printer. Every kind of printing, from a letter head to a beauti- fully hound book, with all kinds of artistic catalogue printing and high class advertising specialties, are produced. The reputa- tion of the products of this company has extended all over this country and printers' .journals make use of samples of work originating with the Red AVing Printing Company. There have even been instances when large printing establishments in Europe have sent for samples of the Red "Wing Printing Company prod- ucts to get new and improved ideas. Aside from holding the business of the local field, the company has a large amount of work from cities and villages throughout the Northwest. The company moved into its present commodious building in March. 1909. The present officers are: President, Tarns Bixby; vice presi- dent. ('. A. Rasmussen; secretary and manager, Jens K. Gron- dahl : treasurer, X. Halvorson. The "Advance" was established in October, 1873, with E. J. Hodgson and B. B. Herbert as editors, under the name of the "Grange Advance," and was in its original design devoted to the promotion of home manufactures and the advancement of agricultural and industrial interests and the upbuilding of the order of the Patrons of Husbandry as a social and educational