Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/760

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662 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY ganization and, upon my return home to Red Wing, the real work was begun. Thousands of letters and circulars were sent out and arrangements made for the first convention, which was held in New Orleans in February, 1885. Transportation for delegates from all parts of the United States had been secured by correspondence from Red Wing. The securing of railroad transportation for editors was easier then than now. An or- ganization was perfected February 19 and 20. 1885, and we be- gan to feel how pleasant a thing it is for brothers of the press of a whole nation to dwell together in unity and mutual under- standing. We had there a first taste of American and Southern hospitality. But our newly elected secretary dropped out and our treasurer. Mr. AVhitman. of Baltimore, Md., died, so that the second, or Cincinnati, convention, had to be organized and ar- ranged for from this city. I acted as president, secretary and all the other officers, splendidly seconded by the employes of the Red Wing Printing Company, to whom the work seemed to become, as it had been to myself, a work of love, and they received no extra pay except my highest regard. There were no funds, the absenting secretary having used all that had been collected at New Orleans, and all the work- had to be performed with no hope of reward. For over two years the National Editorial Associa- tion was nurtured, nourished and cared for without charge, as is the case with most infants in this 'Desirable City' of hills and dales, enchanting scenery and the majestic river, so that the claim of Red Wing, as being the cradle of the National Editorial Association, is well founded. 1 think after enjoying the hos- pitality of the people here, the editors of the nation will say the cradling place w;is no1 illy chosen by a kind Providence." County Fairs. The Goodhue County Agricultural Society was organized in 1863 and held its first fair in Red Wine- in lsOl. In 1870 the Fair was held at Ilader and in 1874 moved to Zumbrota. It is now held in the latter place. The Mississippi Valley Indus- trial Association was organized in 1878 and the firsl officers were: President. S. II. Pnrdy: vice president, Charles Betcher; treas- urer. A. Seeback; superintendent. F. W. Cross. Grounds were rented of Mr. Betcher. buildings erected, a race track constructed and other improvements made. The fair was held annually for many years, but was discontinued some time ago. The grounds are now occupied by one of the factories of the Sewer Pipe Works. The Red Wing Merchants' Association was organized many years ago by the merchants of Red Wing for mutual protection and benefit as well as for the exploiting and development of Red Wing and Goodhue county. Its aim was to secure for the farm- ers the most advantageous rates for his produce and at the same time give him the best advantages in purchasing the goods which