Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/767

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BISTORT OF GOODHUE COUNT! 66*3 original town plat. Ee was born in Ontario county, New York; emigrated to Detroit, Mich., with his parents while quite young, and there studied law and was admitted to the bar of the supreme court of that state in 1853. In March, 1854, he was married to Sarah J. Lee, and soon after wrote to a Lady then in Red Wing, who was expecting to be ready to take boarders thai season, that he should be here as early in the spring as possible and expeel to board at her house, and intimated thai there would be "two of us when he should arrive. The boarding bouse keeper made preparations accordingly and in due time the young lawyer and his bride were settled in the new village, and both entered heart- ily into every enterprise that would help build up the place. Mr. Sandford first built an office for his professional work, and next a residence for his family. He was appointed district attorney by the governor of the territory that year, and was elected to the same office after the full organization of the county. Mr. Sand- ford proved himself a good counsellor; was always ready to give safe legal advice in matters of litigation. He was a man of strict integrity in the transaction of business intrusted to his care. He died May 30, 1881. He made profession of his faith in Christ, and joined the Presbyterian church. He was also a member of the Masonic fraternity. Captain Willett W. DeKay. In the month of -June. 1891, an- other of the oldest residents of Red AVing departed this life. Per- haps no one in the vicinity was better known at the time of his death than W. W. DeKay. He was born in Orange county, New York, in 1831; emigrated to this county in 1854. where he had been a resident for nearly forty years. He enlisted in 1861 in Company E, Third Regiment, serving four years in the army; was promoted first to a lieutenancy, and afterwards became cap- tain of this company; was married in November, 1862, to Ellen O'Reily. They had four children, of whom two are living. He filled various offices in this city with a faithfulness and industry seldom equaled; was for several years city marshal; also health officer ; and served as postmaster for the term of four years. He was ever ready to help the needy and sympathize with the unfor- tunate ; was faithful in every trust imposed upon him; a kind, true friend, a public spirited citizen has gone to his reward. Funeral services were attended in the Episcopal church, of which he w T as a member, by a large concourse of citizens, and a very large num- ber followed his remains to rest in that abode of the dead, in the ornamenting and beautifying of which he had taken so much in- terest. Swante J. Willard, for many years county auditor, was born in Fjellkinge, Sweden, July 10, 1828. He graduated as teacher and organist from the seminary at Lund, which entitled him to a