Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/784

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682 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Tripp had to obtain what education he could by attending school during the short winter terms, working on farms in the summer, thus contributing in boyhood to his own support and later to the support of the family. While working in the crowded state of his birth, he longed for wider opportunities that were afforded in thickly populated districts, and accordingly decided to come west. In 1861 he located in Featherstone township, this county, where he purchased 160 acres. To this he added 160 more, and still later made other purchases, until at one time he owned an entire section. Upon his broad and rich acres he carried on general fanning until the fall of 1901, when he retired. For four years he rented his farm and at the end of that time sold it, purchasing his present residence a1 721 Fifth street. For twenty years he was town treasurer of Featherstone, and in addition si re<l a number of terms as town supervisor and school director. He is a Democrat in politics, and lias been a member of the Ma- sonic order thirty years. He has also been a member of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Trip]) was married November 22. 1864, to Abbie S. Perkins, of Maine, daughter of Timothy and Thurza (Ellsworth) Perkins, the former of whom died in June, 1889, and the latter October 30, 1882. Mrs. Tripp has one brother. T. E. Perkins, now living a1 Featherstone. To ^lr. and .Mrs. Tripp have been born seven children — Cora I'.. September HO, 1866; Timothy B., April 6, 1870; Anna M., March 26. 1870; one born in February, 1875, who died in infancy; Prank M., born November 3, 188b-, Gertrude A.. October 6, L885; Blanche II.. April 5, 1887. Cora married F. I). Crandall and lives at Aberdeen, S. D. Timothy is married and lives at Red Wing. Anna married C. Crandall and lives at Randolph, Minn. Frank is married and is an electrical engineer at Decatur, 111. Gertrude A. is principal of public schools -at Bradley, S. D.. and Blanche F. is teaching in Afton. "Washington county, this state. The family religion is that of the Methodist Church. Timothy B. Tripp, the skillful and efficient engineer at the State Training School, is the son of Merritt and Abbie (Perkins) Tripp. He was born on a farm in Featherstone township, this county. April 6, 1870, and there grew to young manhood, working on the farm and attending the public schools. At the age of twenty-four he became interested in mechanics and accepted a position as stationary engineer at the Trout Brook tannery, where he remained two years. The succeeding three years were spent in general labor, after which he took charge of the various motive power and heating apparatus of the State Training School as chief engineer, in which position he has since remained, giving decided satisfaction. For several years he has been a member of the Masonic order. The Democratic platform embodies his politi-