Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/789

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HISTORY OF GOODH1 E COl CI tiS5 days, as well as of other importanl events aud people which came under her observation. George W. Wyman, proprietor of the Pearl, has bmli up a successful business during his stay in Red Wing 3 and the present indications argue still better for the future Mr. Wyman is a native of Akron. 0., born January 11. 1851. His father, also named George YV.. Was a native of Walpole, X. II.. born February 21, 1806. At an early age he moved to Cleveland. 0., which Avas then by New Hampshire people considered "the west." There he started a clothing establishment which he successfully con- ducted until his death in 1857. The mother, whose maiden name was Mary J. Moore, then returned to Rochester, N. Y., the city of her birth, and there George W. received his boyhood education. His first business venture for himself was in a book and station- ery store, where he remained twelve years, acting successively as clerk, traveling salesman and manager. He subsequently en- gaged in the hotel business, which he has since continued to follow in Ohio, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. In 1899 he came to Red Wing, and after looking over the field, decided that there was an opening for a moderate priced commercial house. He accordingly rented a store on Third street and opened a restaur- ant, gradually acquiring possession of the office and living rooms in the same 'block, which he converted into lodging rooms. In 1908 he purchased the property on Fourth street that for many years had been used as a residence and office by Dr. A. M. Steph- ens. This he converted into "Wyman Cottage" and the "An- nex," both of which are available for the entertaining of guests.. While in Rochester Mr. Wyman served seven years in Company ( '. Fifty-fourtli New York National Guards, reaching the position of first lieutenant. He has shown his interest in the business growth of Red Wing by joining the Commercial Club. He is a Republican in politics and attends the Episcopal Church. Mr. Wyman was married March 6, 1895, at Muscatine, la., to Dena 0. Hastad* daugkhter of L. J. Hastad, now a well-known farmer of Roscoe township, this county. Her mother died several years ago. Mrs. Wyman assists her husband in looking after his busi- ness interests and has proven a most able helpmeet in all his undertakings. In the summer of 1909 Mr. Wyman greatly im- proved his Fourth street property, adding to the main building a wide veranda, which makes it one of the prettiest places on the street. In the "Annex," which has also been recently remod- eled, a large part of the "History of Goodhue County" has been written. George Wilkenson, now deceased, was one of the pioneer builders of Red Wing, and many buildings now standing testify to his skill and conscientiousness. His parents, Thomas and