Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/791

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EIST0E1 OF OOODIII K COUNTY 687 Los Angeles, Cal. Albert, also married, is a partner in the whole- sale business house of Greggs, Cooper & Co.. ;it St. Paul. Eva A. lives iu Red Wing. She has one son, Harold A. Anna makes her home with her sisters in lied Wing. Alonzo D. Whitney, another early settler <•!' Red Wing, now deceased, was a native of Florida, Orange county, New York, born September 4, 181."). His parents. John and Susanna (Smith) Whitney, lived and died in New York state. Alonzo, after leav- ing school, took up the luisiness of contractor and builder, aud in 1857 came to Red AYing, when in the earliest days of its growth. His services were at once in demand, and many of the early dwellings in this city were erected under his supervision. Soon, however, came the rumors of the disruption of the North and South, and Mr. Whitney raised and drilled ;i company, but

is barred from enlisting on account of the age limit. The

Brooklyn Light Guard, of which he was a member, afterward attained distinction on many a bloody held of carnage. Although too old to enlist, the services of Mr. Whitney were highly valued, and in 1861 he was called to .Mount City, ill., where for some four years he was employed by the government in the navy yard. In May, 186"). he returned to Red AVing and took up his business, continuing same until 1871, when he was afflicted with a stroke of paralysis, after which be was an invalid for seventeen years, his death resulting January 26, 1889. Mrs. "Whitney is living at the age of eightj'-nine years, but since last July (1908) she has been in poor health as the result of a stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. Whitney was born in Middlefield, Conn., June 15, 1820, and was married May 9, 1817, her maiden name having been Rosetta Birdsey. This union was blessed with four children. Henrietta, born September 11, 1818, died August 13, 1855. Edgar Alonzo, born August 31, 1850, died July 11, 1853; Emma was born May 4, 1855. May, born September 18, 1858, died December 14, 1859. All the children were born in Brooklyn except May, who was born in Red Wing. Alonzo R. Brink, whom Emma Whitney married December 7, 1880, is a welbknown Red Wing contractor and builder. He was born in Easton, Pa., July 21, 1852, son of Mahlon and Ann (Casely) Brink, both now deceased. Mr. Brink is a Republican in politics, and a Mason in fraternal affiliation. For two terms he has served on the city council. Mrs. Brink, who is much interested in historical matters, has preserved her father's papers, and has many interesting letters written during war times, which throw much light on the events of those stirring days. August P. Olson, Red Wing's efficient assistant fire chief, is a native of this city and has spent all his life here. His parents, Peter and Helen (Whitehamer) Olson, w T ere born in Norway.