Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/817

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 709 thence to Columbus, Ky.. He participated in the battles of the siege of Vicksburg, and was detailed to the hat levy of the 11th Ohio Artillery during the battle of Little Rock, September 10, 1868. Corporal Pfeiffer was never wounded, bu1 as the result of a fever contracted at Pine Bluff during the fall of 1864 he lost his hearing-, an affliction which he has borne since that date. After the war he returned to Red AVing, and on October 20, 1865, left for a trip to his native land. July 14, 1866, he again arrived in this city, bringing with him Ins mother. Stair building and carpentering occupied his attention until 1S74, during which time he erected his present residence. In 1884 he resumed his former trade of cabinet making, and entered the factory of the Red Wing Manufacturing Company, where he has been for the past twenty-five years. He belongs to the A. E. Welch post, G. A. R., No. 75, subscribes to the Lutheran. faith, and in politics is an independent Republican. Mr. Pfeiffer was married at Red Wing November 1!). 1867, to Alice Olson, daughter of Haken and Hannah Olson, natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1854, locating at St. Charles, 111., until May 5, 1855, when they came to Red AVing, where the father followed his trade of cabinet making until 1878. when he retired. The father died January 5. 1898. and the mother January 4. 1856. Mrs. Pfeiffer was born in Sweden March 15. 1846, and has borne to her husband six children: Rosemund E.. born October 1. 1868, died October 16, 1880; Arnold A., horn May 20, 1871, died February 23, 1872; Hannah At., horn December 17. 1872. died January 2. 1908. She was the wife of Rev. J. J. Clemmons, now of La Crosse, AVis., to whom she bore one daughter, Alice Marie. Henry J., born September 14, 1875, married Josie Whittemore, of Elk River, Minn., and is now assistant cashier in the bank at Havana, N. D. Alice E.. horn February 28, 1880, died October 28, 1887. Carl E., horn April 8, 1886. is a dentist at Ashton, 111. John Peterson, Sr., who was the victim of a tragedy while preserving the peace and order of the city, will long be held in honored memory by the people of Red AVing. He was born May 30, 1856. at Wintrosa, near the city of Oreboro, in Sweden, and came to America in February, 1881, locating at once in Red Wing. He worked for a while on the railroad, then entered the employ of the city and in 1893 was appointed a member of the police force. In this capacity he served faithfully and with valor, being on several occasions the acting chief. He was doing active duty when at 9:10 on the evening of January 14. 1907. occurred the sad events which resulted in his death. The story of the affair is told more fully in the general history of Red Wing appearing in this volume. It is sufficient to say here that one August Bloom, a former Red Wing barber, man-