Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/823

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 715 his private enterprises, he never sought public office. Mr. Sturtevant was married at Jamesport, Long Island, N. Y., June 28, 1869, to Mrs. Elsie (Skillman) "Wilcox, daughter of Francis Skillman. To Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant was born one daughter, Nellie Sheldon, born December 25, 1881. now living at Portland. Ore. She married Dr. Noble W. Jones. Mrs. Sturtevant 's Red Wing home is at 830 Fifth street. M. A. Tucker, son of the Rev. Ezra Tucker, was born at Wolcott, Vt., February 15, 1841, and was educated in the public schools, also taking a course in Hamline University, at that time located in this city. He was a student in the state normal school at Winona when the,Civil War broke out. The war prac- tically closed the school, the majority of the faculty enlisting as volunteers. The students also enlisted in large numbers, M. A. Tucker entering the United States service in 1863, serving until the close of the conflict. He was in C. A. Hatch's battalion, Minnesota Volunteer Cavalry, fighting against the Indians at Pembina. Mr. Tucker was a corporal in his company. After the war he engaged in wheat raising in the township of Feather- stone, on his father's farm, until 1877, when he went to Marshall, Minn., and homesteaded 160 acres, upon which he conducted farming operations until 1888. After another year at Feather- stone he again returned to Marshall, and after five more years there came to Red AYing. Two years later he went to South Dakota and remained eleven years as clerk in a drug store. In 1907 he retired, and since that date has lived at 454 Ninth street. Red Wing. He belongs to the Methodist church and votes the Republican ticket, being a member of the United Workmen and the local G. A. R. post, in which latter he is the chaplain. M. A. Tucker was married in 1877 at Marshall. Minn., to Minnie Loekey. daughter of James M. and Jane (Frame) Loekey, natives of Canada, who located in Missouri in 1876. and later in Marshall, Minn., where the father was a druggist. They are now living at Faulkton, S. D. Mrs. Tucker is deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Tucker were born three children : Anna Llewellyn, married to Edward Hoffman, of Bonestell, S. D. ; William, who lives at Faulkton, where he is married and has two children ; and Grace, also living at Faulkton, who is married to Milton H. Douglass. M. A. Tucker also has two brothers, A. C. and J. J., and a sister, noAv Mrs. A. H. Cross, of Montrose, Colo. Philander Gates was one of the early settlers of the county and a familiar figure in the early days. He was born in Alle- ghany county, New York, August 8, 1815, son of Abel and Mary B. Gates, both descended from early New England stock. His boyhood education was received in the schools of his native county, after which he took up farming with his father. As