Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/825

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 717 From 1>7") to L887 he served as postmaster of Red Wing, a record of which service will be found in the postal history of the county. During this time he also engaged in the meal business, which he conducted all the twelve years of his government appointment. He then became manager and landlord of the St. James hotel. remaining in this capacity three and a half years. In 1889 he retired from active business and lived in retirement from that date until his death. February 13, 1906. He was a Republican in politics, a .Methodist in religion and a .Mason by fraternal affiliation. lie also had an honorable record as an officer in the Civil War. lie enlisted as second lieutenant in Company B, McClellan's Dragoons, October 22. 1861, and was discharged November 8, 1863. lie at once re-enlisted as veteran volunteer in Company I, 12th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and served with valor until the finish of the conflict. .Mi*. Graves was mar- ried at Wells Creek. .Minn.. October 3, 1865, to Matilda Mosier, daughter of Benville and Sarah (Yohn) Mosier. Her father was a miller by trade and came west to Iowa in 1845. In 1854 he removed to Rock Island. 111., remained there two years, and in 1856 came to Minnesota and located at Hay Creek, this county, being one of the first settlers in that township. Here he success- fully conducted farming operations for several years, and in 1884 retired, taking up his home in Red Wing, where he ended his days. May 16, 1899. His wife died November 19, 1899. To Mr. and Mrs. Graves were born two children: Myron B., born June 30. 1866. is now proprietor of the Golden West hotel. Min- neapolis. He married Margaret Vally. Harry B. was born at Red Wing May 8, 1867. He is the proprietor of a restaurant at ■Minneapolis. By his wife. Jessie Sanburg, he has one daughter. Violet M., born June 27. 1900. Enos F. Grow, a veteran of the Civil War, now in the rail- way mail service, was born in Granville, Licking county, Ohio, March 16. 1843, a son of William 8. and Mary Jane (Case) Grow. William S. Grow moved to Granville, O., in 1839, and to Cin- cinnati, 0., in 1844. Ten years later he came to Red Wing and purchased 240 acres in Burnside township, and upon these rich acres he carried on successfully an extensive farming business. Desirous to take up his residence in the then rapidly-grow T ing village of Red Wing, lie sold his farm and in 1858 engaged in the livery business on Plum street, on the lot now occupied by Red Wing's beautiful city hall. July 1, 1861, when the call came for volunteers, he placed his life at the disposal of his adopted country, and enlisted in Company I, Second Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. He was appointed first lieutenant and was then pro- moted to quartermaster, serving until January 28, 1863, when he Avas called home on account of the illness of his beloved wife.