Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/830

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722 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY assistant cashier of the bank at Zumbrota he continued his suc- cessful career, and in November, 1894, he was elected probate judge. His victory at the poles was assured from the start and he entered the office with the hearty support of a large majority of the citizens of the county. Since that time he has been suc- cessively re-elected. Of his services as judge little need be said, as his sympathy, helpfulness and impartiality are known in every city, village and farm residence in the county where the hand of death has made his services necessary. Aside from holding a political office. Judge Haller has business interests in the Pierce Simmons Bank and in the Red Wing Advertising Company. In the former he is a director, and in the latter secretary and di- rector. Fraternally he is a member of the United Workmen and the Modern Woodmen. He is a Republican in politics and a member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church. To Axel Haller and his wife. Inger Ottum, whom he married in 1882, have been born six sons and two daughters. Alma ('.. a school teacher, is' in White Earth. N. D. ; Nelson B. is on a farm in the same state; Adolphus is studying law in the state university at Minne- apolis; Helmer U. Carl A., Chester A.. Victor F. and Florence J. are all at home. Martin Hanson, merchant tailor, who enjoys a fine class of trade among the prominent men of Red Wing, was born in Nor- way. May 8, 1864, a sod of Andrew and Mattie (Severson) Han- son, both natives of Norway. The father <lie<l when Martin was very young, and his mother in 1886 came to Wisconsin, where she still makes her home a1 the age of sixty-three years. Left without a father's care, Martin attended the public schools of his native country a short time, and at an early age was apprenticed to an uncle, who taught him the tailor's trade. In the spring of 1880 Martin came to America and worked one year in Rice county, Wisconsin. He came to Red Wing in 1881, and worked two years for Jacobson, the tailor. Subsequently he was employed one year by the Boxrud Brothers, two years for Peterson & Grondahl. and nine years by P. A. Sandberg. After prospecting for a time at Spokane, Wash., he again returned to Red Wing and started in business for himself. Mr. Hanson served two years in Company G. is a Republicon in polities and belongs to the Modern Woodmen. He was married July 20, 1887, to Dena Bjerke. of Red Wing, daughter of Thorvakl and Patra (Peter- son) Bjerka, natives of Norway. Her father is living in Norway and her mother died in 1879. To Mr. and Mrs. Hanson have been born two children — Isabel. September 10, 1891, and Leonard, March 25, 1893. Leonard attends the Red Wing Seminary. The family worships at St. Peter's Norwegian Lutheran Church. In Mr. Hanson's family were ten brothers and sisters, only two of