Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/833

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EISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 725 mand of his company. Be was wounded at the battle of Dallas near New Hope Church, and participated in the Potomac cam- paigns, also serving at Gettysburg, Resaca, Antietam and Chan- cellorsville, being with General Hooker in his strenuous cam- paigns. During the grand review at Washington which followed the surrender of Lee, Captain Humphrey passed by the reviewing stand with his eleven men. all that remained of his brave com- pany. After the war Mr. Humphrey returned to Elmira and worked for a time as a florist with his parents. In July, 1868, he came to Red Wing, and after working a short time as a car- penter took up general contracting work, which he continued until 1873, when he went to Cannon Falls for two years. There he engaged in business two years. After his return to Red Wing he worked at his trade for two years, and then received the ap- pointment as sexton of Oakwood cemetery. There he worked ten years and in 1900 opened a florist's establishment, which he man- aged four years. In 1904 he retired. He owns a quarter section claim in Dakota, and raises a few vegetables and flowers near his home on Fifteenth street. Red Wing. While in Cannon Falls Mr. Humphrey served as a member of the city council. He was once elected county coroner of Goodhue county, but never qual- ified. He is a Republican in politics, mid belongs to the United Workmen, the Odd Fellows, and to the G. A. R. posts both in Red Wing and Elmira. X. Y. Mr. Humphrey was married in January, 1874. to Agnes ( !. Dover, of Cannon Falls, daughter of Christo- pher and Elizabeth Douer, the former of whom was an architect and builder. To this union was born one son, Benjamin S., June 27. 1875. now living in North Dakota. Mrs. Agnes (Doner) Humphrey died August 7, 1884, and on December 27. 1S94, Mr. Humphrey married Mrs. Sarah Phyllis (Saunders^ Sehunk, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Goddard) Saunders. Her father died March 8. 1879, at Red Wing, and her mother is living at Fort Worth, Texas, where she celebrated her ninetieth birthday, February 14, 1909. To Mrs. Humphrey and Mrs. Sarah Humph- rey has been born one son, George W., Jr.. November 15, 1896, now attending the Red Wing schools. To Mrs. Humphrey, by her former husband. Jacob D. Sehunk, whom she married De- cember 5, 1875, and who died in 1890, two children were born. Arthur J., born at Hay Creek, October 25, 1876, is married and is president of the Northern Accident Insurance Company, Located at Aberdeen, S. D. Jesse A., born at Hay Creek. June 25, 1882, is married and lives at Richville, Minn., where he is a successful George Hartman, deceased, was for many years a hardware florist. merchant in Red Wing. He was born in Wittenburg, Mecklen- burg, Germany, in L846. His parents, David and Margarel Hart-