Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/836

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7*8 HISTORY <)F GOODHUE COUNTY city, July 81. 1880, son of Joseph and Anna (Koch) Haustein, the mother a native of Germany and the father of Dayton, 0. Joseph Haustein. Sr., died March, 1901, and his widow is still living'. After receiving his preliminary education in the schools of Red Wing, Joseph A. Haustein took a course in the Northern Illinois Colege of Opthalmology and Otology, where he graduated with honors July 28, 1906. passing his examination to "practice in this state October 24. In November of the same year he opened a well-equipped office at 308% Bush street, where he practiced until July 1. 1909. He is now Located in his new building on Third street, nexl to the Red Wing Daily Printing Company, having a large clientele in the city and also in Goodhue and Pierce county. He is an independent voter and attends the Catholic Church, being a member of the Knights of Columbus and of the St. Joseph Society. Dr. Haustein was married No- vember .17. 1903, a1 Minneapolis, to Bernice Franklin, daughter of George B. and Alice (Block) Franklin, farmers of Mazeppa, Wabasha* county, this state. John M. Hjermstad, machinist and garage owner, was brought to this country from Norway, by his parents, Martinus H. and Martha Johnson) Hjermstad, while still an infant. The parents came to Red Wing in 1866 and purchased 160 acres at Bell Creek. In November, 1904, the mother died and in 1897 the father sold his farm and is now living a retired life at Kenyon, Minn. John M. was born September 23, 1862, and received his education in the public schools of Bell Creek, this county. He remained on the home farm until twenty-one years of age and then went to St. Paul, where he worked successively for the following compan- ies : St. Paul Harvesting < iompany, learning the trade, two years; for same company as master mechanic a1 North St. Paul, two years; Earhuff Organ and Piano Company at North St. Paid, seven years as master mechanic; Luger Furniture Company, North St. Raul, two years: Konantz Saddlery Company, of St. Paul, five years; Lee and Hoffman Manufacturing Company, of St. Paul, two years; Valley Iron Works, of St. Paul, one year. After this lone- period of able and faithful work in and about St. Paul, Mr. Hjermstad came to Red Wing in the spring of 1902 and formed a partnership with C. F. Hjermstad and J. R. Trautner, in the boat building business. After two years he sold out and in October. 1 905, opened a machine establishment and garage which he has since owned, managed and conducted. Mr. Hjerm- stad is a Republican in politics and during his residence in North St. Paul served as fire chief from 1890 to 1897, as village re- corder from 18fr2 to 1894. and as a member of the village council one term. He belongs to the United Workmen and the Knights of Pvthias, in which latter order he has been through all the