Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/841

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 731 years later. He was elected governor in 1881 and re-elected in 1883. In recent years Governor Hubbard has made his home in St. Paul. C. J. Ford Smith, deceased, formerly of Red Wing, was born in Hudson, N. H., March 28, 1826, son of Jefferson and Sarah Smith, natives of New Hampshire. He received his education in the common schools of Hudson, and later attended a seminary in New Hampshire for a short time. In 1852 he came west and located in St. Paul, where he was employed in a general merchan- dise store until 1854, when he came to Red Wing and engaged in the mercantile business, which he conducted until 1882, when he sold out and retired from active business life. Mr. Smith was captain of the militia at the time of the Indian massacre and was ordered on guard duty for a short time. He was assistant assessor and revenue collector for the government a number of years. In politics he was originally a Republican, but in later life voted the Prohibition ticket. He was married November 8, 1857, to Elizabeth J. Adams, daughter of Ezra and Electa P. ilsmond) Adams, natives of New York state, who in 1830 located in Illinois, where the father followed his trade of wagon and car- riage making until his death in 1845. The mother passed away in 1883. Mrsi Smith received her education in the public schools and attended the Presbyterian seminary for girls at Jacksonville, 111. In 1856 she came to Red AVing, began teaching and con- tinued for two years, being one of the pioneer teachers. The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Smith was the first held in the Presby- terian church, Rev. J. W. Hancock officiating. They had five children : Harvey P., born August 8, 1858, now at Duluth ; Albert L., of Helena. Mont., born October 5, 1860; Harriet F., born March 11, 1865, now of Pittsburg, Pa. ; Lyman A., born January 28, 1868, and died January 18, 1877 ; Helen S., of Boston, born February 5, 1873. Mr. Smith was one of the founders of the Presbyterian church, and was one of the elders until his death. He was also a constant attendant and teacher in the Sunday school. John Lind was born at Kenna, Sweden, March 25, 1854. The family, came to America in 1867, settling in Goodhue county, Minn. Here John lost his left hand by accident while laboring to support the family. By his untiring energy and perseverance he was aide to attend school, and in 1870 obtained a teacher's cer- tificate. In 1873 he moved to Sibley county, and moved to New Ulm the year following. He had for some time cherished the idea of entering the legal profession and with this object in view he devoted himself to the study of the law in private, partly by himself and partly in an attorney's office in New Ulm. In 1875