Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/846

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736 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Matilda, deceased, and Gustave. Mrs. Erickson died February 17, 1908, at Red Wing. William M. Ericson, county attorney and well known in fra- ternal circles throughout the state, is a native born son, his natal appearance having been at Red AVing, July 15, 1880. His parents, John F. and Johanna Marie (Helsing) Ericson, came to America in 1870. located a short time at Lake City, then went to Chicago, where for three years he followed the shoemaking trade. July 8, •1874, the parents came to Red AVing. where they have since re- sided, the father being still in business at Ringstrom's shoe store. In the family there were five children. George E. is now a leading attorney of Spooner, Wis. William M., the second son, is the subject of this sketch. Esther 0. lives in St. Paul. Alice A. is Mrs. Bruce P. Canfield. of St. Paul, and Lillian M. F. is employed by her brother William M. as a stenographer. As a boy, William M. attended the schools of Red Wing, standing Avell in his classes. During the years 1898-1900, while attending the high school, he was the agent for the Minneapolis Journal and delivered the papers around this city. He graduated with honor from the Red Wing High School, class of 1900. and then studied law with Hon. F. M. Wilson, at the same time serving as reporter and edi- torial writer Cor the Red Wing Daily Republican. As the result of his diligent studies he was admitted to the bar in 1906 and from March 1 to December 1 of that year was in partnership with his preceptor. December 1 he opened an office of his own, and in November of thai year was elected county attorney, his services giving so much satisfaction that he was re-elected in the fall of 1908. He is a Republican in politics. Attorney Ericson has passed through the chairs of the Knights of Pythias, and is one of the prominent Elks of the state, being esteemed leading knight of the local lodge. He is also great sachem of the state lodge of Red Men and chief of records of the local tribe of Red Men. His other fraternal associations include membership in the Odd Fellows. Modern Woodmen, the Foresters, the Yeomen, the Workmen, the Eagles, the Scandinavian Benevolent Society, the Red Wing Commercial Club, the American Society of Curio Collectors, the "Bill Club," the Aurora Ski Club, of Red Wing, the Red AVing Rod and Gun Club, the Goodhue County Historical Society, the City Hospital and Civi League. He is president of the Florodora Club. His religions faith is that of the Swedish Lutheran Church. Charles A. Erickson, proprietor of a large wagon-making es- tablishment at Red AVing, and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in Sweden. December 25, 1841, son of Erick and Sarah ( larlson) Erickson, who tilled the soil in their native land. They came to America in 1857. located in Red AVing, and became well-