Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/850

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740 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY In 1862 he sold his farm to Daniel Dunham, and in 1864 came to Minnesota in true pioneer style, making the trip with his family in a wagon. He purchased 160 acres in Featherstone township, and to this added twenty acres of timber land. Here he carried on farming of a general nature until 1868 when he sold his land to his sons, John and Andrew, who continued to carry on farming on the home place until 1870, when John pur- chased Andrew's interest. John still owns and works the old homestead. In 1868. the father purchased a farm known as ■Popular Grove. consisting of 224 acres, which he worked until his death. November 9, 1880. The mother died in 1874. Charles, a brother of John and Andrew, now carries on this farm. Andrew J. received his boyhood training in the schools of "Wayne, 111., and there worked on his father's farm until coming with the rest of the family to Goodhue county. He continued farming in Featherstone township until 1872, when he eame to Red Wing, living firsi on Sixth street for two years and later purchasing a home a1 518 Bush street where he still resides. From 1873 to 1875 he worked at the carpenter trade, and in the latter year entered the employ of the grocery store of Seebach Brothers as a clerk. In 1879 he resumed farming on the homestead Harm, remaining there until 1889 when he came hack to Red Wing, since which time he has been engaged in the carpenter and building business. Mr. Frenn is a Repub- lican in politics, has been city treasurer two terms. 1904-1908, has served on the board of registration and has done jury duty in a number of important cases. Mr. Frenn was married, November 18, 1866, to Emma Sophia Johnson, who came from Sweden to America on June 29. 1864. and look up her residence in DuPage county, Illinois. To this union have been born seven children— Julia S., born April 28, 1868. is the wife of John August Nelson, of 453 Thirteenth street. Red Wing; Josel Edwin was horn February 24, 1873 ; William T., , born June 12, 1873, lives in California; Marie Emelia w T as born De- cember 16. 1875; Huldah E., born October 15, 1879, is the wife of Joseph Wagner, of 745 McSorley street, Red Wing; Emma H. was horn January 31, 1883. and Andrew Sidney, February 4, 1885. The family worships at the Swedish Lutheran Church. Charles O. Forssell, Red Wing's able and genial assistant postmaster, is a native of Sweden, born June 12, 1862, second son of John and Johanna (Petersdotter) Forssell. the former of whom was a Swedish land owner. The parents came to America in 1868, and located at Red Wing, where after a long life of devotion to husband and family, the mother died February 14, 1904. The father still makes his home in this city, enjoying an honored old age. Brought to America as a youth of six