Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/858

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748 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY G. A. R. and the Scandinavian Relief Association. He was mar- ried July 5, 1877, at Red "Wing, to Emma Christina Johnson, daughter of Andrew Johnson, a stone worker, who died in De- cember, 1905. Mrs. Belin's mother now makes her home with ii.e Bclin family at 613 Potter street. Two children havt; blessed the home — Selma ('.. born July 28, 1878, married Amil Swanson, a farmer of Welch township, this county; Norman Leroy, born February 4, 1898, is attending the public schools : The Swedish Lutheran Church embraces the family religion. Arland H. Allen, undertaker, is one of Red Wing's estimable and solid citizens, well fitted by nature and training for the position he occupies in the community. He was born in Norway, September 26, 1846, and was brught to America as an infant. His parents, Hans and Barbara E. (Stenseth) Allen, left the old country in 1S47. and started for America in a sailing vessel. A terrible storm arose soon after their departure, and for nine- teen weeks the frail bark was tossed about, almost at the mercy of the storm. It weathered the raging elements, however, and after nearly five months the landing in this country was safely accomplished. The family located first at Jefferson Prairie, Wis., and there the father followed the trades of carpenter and stone mason, also doing some farming. Like so many thousand others he followed the great rush to Pikes Peak after gold, but the rigors of gold-seeking life proved too great a strain for his con- stitution and he died there in August, 1859. His wife then moved her family to Decorah. Iowa, in isiio. and remained there several years, afterward going to Albert Lea, Minn., where she passed away in February, 1904. Arland, having as an infant survived those Long months of that terrible sea-voyage, grew to robust boyhood at Jefferson Prairie, Wis., and attended the pub- lic schools of that state. He was also a pupil in the Adams High School of Decorah, Iowa.. Later he took a course in the Roches- ter. N. Y.. Medical Institute, receiving his diploma. In 1872 he came to Red Wing, and for several years was secretary for the Red Wing Furniture Company. He afterward embarked in the undertaking business in which he has since continued. Mr. Allen is a Republican in politics, and for three terms served as county coroner. For some time he served as a member of Company G in the state militia. The family faith is that of the Norwegian Lutheran Church. Arland II. Allen was married at" Frontenac, Minn.. October 21. 1896. to Anna S. Johnson, of Red Wing, daughter of Edward and Christina (Dosen ) Johnson, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1866. They located first at St. Paul, Minn., and there their daughter, Anna S., was born. From St. Paul they went to White Hall, Wis., then to St. Peter, Minn., then to Red Wing, where the father was engineer at the