Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/864

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752 BISTOEY OF GOODHIK COUNTY 26, 1845. son of Charles Olson and Anna M. Corestenson, natives of the same country. He received his education in the schools of his neighborhood, and when twenty-one years old, rented a place and carried on general farming. Desiring to see something of the world he enlisted as a sailor on a coal and lumber boat, and visited Prance, England, Denmark. Norway and the northern part of Sweden. While on- this voyage he heard much of the opportunities offered in America, and accordingly determined to seek his fortune in this country. His first location was in Milwaukee, and after working on the railroad there a few weeks. he came to Red Wing and did general work until 1873, when lie entered the employ of ihe Kappel brothers. With this concern he remained twenty-two years, achieving an honorable record as a faithful workman. In 1895 he entered business for himself with Andrew Newstrom, but two years later went to work for William Remschart, the blacksmith and wagon maker. Subse- quently, in 1900, he wenl to Granl county and purchased 250 acres of land. then, after three years, sold out and returned to Red Wing. The firsl year of his return was spenl as a work- man for Charles Erickson, after which he entered his present employ. Mr. Carlson votes the Republican tickel and belongs to the Scandinavian Relief and the Scandinavian Benefit Asso- ciations. He was married in 1870 to Anna Tholia, by whom he has seven children. The three oldest, Carl Magnus. Carl Oscar and Johan August, are deceased. Nans Edward is a .Minneapolis contractor; John Adolph, William Linus and Charles Fredrick all farm in North Dakota. The mother of these children died in October, 1891, and Mr. Carlson was again married in April. 1893, to Hedda Carlson, daughter of Carl and Anna (Stinna) Anderson, both natives of Sweden. The family faith is that of the Swedish Lutheran Church. Charles Olson, father of Julius Carlson, owned a farm in the old country, and carried on farm- ing in connection with being a painter and carpenter. He died in 1846 and his wife, who afterward became Mrs. Hanson, lived until L865. Julius Carlson, the oldest son. is the subject of this sketch. Amelia married Gustaf Jlanson. now of Grant county, .Minn.: Christine Hanson died in Sweden: Carl Edward Hanson lives in California; .Matilda married Andrew Ilaglund, now de- ceased: Hans A. Hanson lives in Grant county, Minn; John Hilmer Hanson lives in the same county; Oliva Anna is the wife of Alfred Anderson and lives in Otter Tail county Minn. John Cebulski, fashionable tailor at 309 Bush street. Red Wing, is* a native of Austria, born December 14, 1868, son of Andrew and Sophia (Frodyma) Cebulski, both of whom were also Austrians by birth. The father was a hero of two wars. He served in Galieia fa kingdom in the Austro-Hungarian Mon-